Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Can't find the question

I had someone, in the last two months I think, post a comment asking me about adoption. Usually when someone asks me a question, I copy it and post it in a new post so I can remember what it is and remember to reply to it. But with the move, I can't find it.

I remember that the person who asked me was from another country and that English wasn't their first language. I remember it was about adoption. I remember that they asked me something about how we were handling the adoption with Isaac and why we would want him to know he was adopted. Or something like that. But I can't find the exact question. And I don't think I can search my comments, only my posts.

If that person is reading, could you repost your question. Or if someone who remembers tons of details (Joia? Tara?) remember which post it was on, could you refresh me?

Thanks anyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi honey!
how we were handling the adoption with Isaac and why we would want him to know he was adopted?
What you put is exactly my question.
thank you in idvance for your reply

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Awesome! I am working on the answer right now ...

Question: what country/part of the world are you from and how is adoption handled in that region?

Ex. I know my friend Bara is from Syria where adoption is relatively unheard of.