Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vacuum fears

I am sure this is not unique to my kids, but it is funny nonetheless. The boys love the vacuum when it is not on. If I leave the hall closet open they will go in and play with it, touch, push buttons, etc. But the moment it is turned on, they scatter like mad! (Scrubs actually does the same thing but he was already konked out for the night when we took this video.)

I finally got the camera out to show the vacuum fears. Enjoy! Oh and P.S., Isaac picked out everything he was wearing. He insisted on his slippers, the bib, and the pants. He's becoming very clothes opinionated. :)


Joy Z said...

all of my children and I got a good laugh out of this one!

Bethany said...

That is really funny! The funiest part is that the immediately run for the vacuum when it's turned off. My boys are some of the few that have always like the vacuum more when it's turned on. They used to fight over who got to help daddy do the vacuuming.