Monday, December 28, 2009

Four ear infections

Well we returned to the doctor today. Four infections of the ears. Two for each boy. It appears that whatever they have was resistant to the first antibiotic so we are starting on the second one. JB is as well. Praise the Lord Joanie arrived 30 minutes before our appointment to help me there. Please continue to pray for our family. We are mending ... but slowly.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Wish I was there, too! Hope the new medicine does the trick this time.
love you all,
mom k

AW said...

Wendi, I am so so sorry! Ear infections have been the bain of our existence at the W house since JK came into existence. Pardon me, but I can't think of any other way to say it other than, "THEY SUCK!"

I will say that garlic oil drops in the ears have helped stave off ear infections in the baby this last time. We were on our way to a THIRD round of antibiotics before I said "enough" and headed to a traditional/homeopathic blended doctor. We're all currently taking garlic drops in the ears, drinking briar rose and lithy tree. I think it's helping the severity anyways.

(And yes, the garlic drops make us all smell like Italian food, but I guess it could be worse, right?)

Beth said...

So sorry to hear that Wendi! I know you are married to a doc, but I think you should be on the lookout for diaper rash. Poor Sarah ended up with open sores and a yeast infection during an antibiotic treatment. Now we take precautions and warn our friends! Good luck!

Joy Z said...

Ah man! I pray that this antibiotic will kick those infections soon. Hopefully they are already feeling better this morning.

AW said...

Beth, we struggle with diaper rashes with antibiotics. We use that Johnson's cornstarch and really helps!