Saturday, December 05, 2009

Wrestle Mania

Lately the boys have taken to wrestling. Of course, there is a fine line between wrestling and beating each other up. We actually find it fascinating (and sometimes a bit frustrating) to watch them learning what is acceptable play and what is too hard. It reminds me of Scrubs as a young pup, learning both with humans and other dogs what behavior was acceptable and what sent him to the doghouse, quite literally.

Anyways, either way, we are pretty sure that this is just a glimpse into the next dozen or so years of our life. I told JB the other night when he came home that I felt that I was becoming a referee. One minute they are playing so kindly and peacefully, and the next minute Elijah has Isaac by the hair and Isaac is trying to run a big car into Elijah.

John said, "Welcome to the next twenty years of our life." :)

Isaac currently has the upper hand, but Elijah has been starting to retaliate a bit. Here, was last night's adventures, in photos:

First, Isaac jumps on Elijah's back.

I'd imagine there is a proper name for this move.

Isaac then completes the move by putting Elijah down for the count.

However, Elijah doesn't just let big brother take him down without a fight. Here he is attempting retaliation.

Which results in him finding his way into a headlock.

Here, the headlock gets a bit stronger ... a bit too strong as you will see in the picture below.

As you can see, the headlock was a bit too much for Elijah. Although Isaac is pretty sure Elijah had it coming as you can tell by the finger shake.


Anonymous said...

I laughed at the final picture with the finger shake. Priceless!!

AW said...

Hahahah! Oh my word. This is hysterical! And what are you talking about 20 years? My brothers are nearing their 30's and STILL wrestle with MY DAD who is in his 60's!!!

Gabbs said...

That is just sooooo cute! And I completely understand feeling like a referee.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. If they love to wrestle now then never take them to a wrestling match. They'll be trying all the moves they see on each other (I'm speaking from experience, of course.)
