Thursday, December 03, 2009

Our Isaac

Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously
My own.
Never forget
For a single minute:
You didn't grow under my heart
But in it.

Have I mentioned recently how in love with Isaac we are? It is nearly everyday that I look at JB and ask him how we got so lucky. Why us? We don't deserve him. He could have gone to any family, but our destiny was changed by one decision. We have been forever changed because one birth mother made a choice. To give a child a chance in a home that wasn't her's. Each moment with Isaac reminds us of how blessed we are.

This morning that moment was "baby." That's what Isaac calls yogurt since it has a picture of a baby on it. He wanted to eat himself this morning. We've been working on it. He did have a spoon even though it didn't make it into the pictures. Man he makes a mess, but he loves it and is getting better and better. Although you wouldn't be able to tell that from these photos below.

Why can't I have eyelashes like these?!

Showin' off all his teeth.

"Look Mom! Baby!"

I made him laugh here. Can't remember how, but man he was laughing hard.

Gosh I love this little boy! Big messes and all!


AW said...

Haha! LOVE that last picture. Baby belly laughs are really the best!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! Great pictures:)
Give the boys a huge hug! Miss them! (and you two, too):)
grandma k

Rachel and Hans said...

great photos of isaac!!

Jess said...

Mmm, a nice big bowl of baby really hits the spot! :D


gramma di said...

Perfect Bib!!!

Anonymous said...

how come i get tears even on the happiest of blogs like this! :)
xo Tante jan