Saturday, October 20, 2007

This week will be a new week

I am putting behind me the stresses of the past week and moving forward with renewed vigor and vitality!

Okay so I don't have the renewed vigor and vitality, but I do have the desire to embrace a new week and move forward accordingly.

Positiveness will abound!

In other news . . .

We now have the pup out of his designer crown and instead have him wearing socks. He doesn't like socks but appears to like the socks more than his helmet.

The fence I thought I had insured was actually cemented and not just "dug in" as the nice lady had told me. JB said it is not worth two whole days of digging, and he'd like to wait to find a fence from someone who doesn't have cement attached to the bottom.

We had Joia over for dinner last night. She is finishing up two weeks of night call. I say "she" even though, okay, it's Phil finishing up the night call. However, in all actuality, it's the wives who suffer the most! (At least that is my opinion.) Matt and Tiffany joined us for dinner, and JB made an excellent Mediterranean meal! Awesome as usual. Matt actually starts nights on Monday so we will have to really take care of Tiffany during the upcoming two weeks. Joia was fortunate to have her mother in town for a majority of the nights, however, Tiffany is doing this solo.

It actually comforts me to see the other wives deal with nights and see that they too, think it is a bit difficult. I was the first wife to do it, and so, as a result, I thought that I was a real wimp of a wife. While all the other wives seemed to be taking their husband's rotations in stride -- I was adjusting to a new house, a failed IVF attempt, and working from home while my husband was gone nearly all day, every day. (Well, he'd be home for eight hours but would sleep them all away.) When I would talk to the other wives they all seemed like this was no big deal! What was wrong with me?! In actuality, JB was just starting with the hardest rotations first so yes, it was a lot worse than the his fellow interns.

Thank goodness John has been on easy rotations for the last few weeks! What an amazing blessing to have him home during this hectic grant and dog season in our lives.

This weekend I am working on some grant letters for Faith Alive in Nigeria. These are much less complicated so do not fear! I have actually been fortunate to continue to help with things from half a world away! Aaaah the amazing-ness of technology! Dr. Chris is actually in the U.S. now. He's back in Rochester! How much I wish we could see him.

Off to eat some leftovers for lunch (the second best part of JB's cooking!)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you share these honest feelings about your hubbies' jobs/hours -i have a friend whose husband is a pilot and i shared a bit of it with her because she's isolated in a suburb -not on an AirForce base with other lonely pilots' wives --there must be a way to find support better than joining a lonely wives looking for companionship blog! :)

Anonymous said...

And here's your official pat-on-the-back for keeping a positive attitude!