Monday, October 15, 2007

GRANTS STINK!!!!!!!!!!!

My boss' grant is due by Wednesday afternoon. I'm going crazy. I really, really, really dislike grant work.

It will all be over on Thursday morning.

I watched Drew Carey host the Price is Right for the first time this morning. That was weird. He doesn't sound right.


Anonymous said...

Ah, know what they say about the correlation between "stressed" and "desserts"...well, I think you should work, and then go to, and then go to Dairy, and then go to Cold Stone Creamery...etc. But seriously, take deep breaths, pray, remember the One Who is in control of ALL things and this too shall pass. You are in my prayers.

Joanna said...

I watched the Price is Right today too, just to see what it was like without Bob. You're SO right--Drew just didn't seem right for the part. Not that I have any better suggestions, but still. :)

TAV said...

how do you have time for 'price is right' with this grant?? :) and, to anonymous, THAT is exactly why residency gets one into trouble with your pants.

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Tara, I always have the TV On while I am working ...

I'm sure you are as skinny as ever!