Monday, October 01, 2007

It is a bad idea

It is a bad idea to buy a bunch of junk food to send your brother-in-law in the Army in a care package unless you can fit it in the box you plan to tape up that day. JB and I bought a bunch of stuff, packed one box,but needed to get another box from the post office before starting in on box #2. That means the junk food has been just sitting on the counter. Well it started out on the counters and ended up in our bellies!

You know the stuff you got in your lunch box when you were a kid? Those chocolate cookies? Oatmeal creme pies? Zebra cakes? Star crunches? Holy cow! Those things are awesome! How do you leave those things sitting on the counter? They scream "EAT ME!"

So, we listened to their screams and have done just what they ask. A LOT!


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I know exactly what you mean! I speak that language too. Philip, on the other hand wouldn't hear them calling his name, and they'd just sit there, probably until they went stale... strange, strange man I married...

Gabbs said...

I, on the other hand, do not speak Oatmeal Creme Pie language, Star Crunch Language, or any other Little Debbie type food language. Well, except for Nutty Buddy. I do speak Nutty Buddy. As for the rest of those puppies, they can sit on my counter all day long and I will not answer their call.

Be strong, my friends, be strong.