Wednesday, October 31, 2007

RIP Green Sock

Well Kelsey was right. I had warned her that our dog likes to eat socks. She said that on Sunday, she found Scrubs in her room, and she was unable to find one of her socks. She thought that possibly Scrubs may have been responsible. Now I love Kelsey, but she isn't exactly known for her impeccable organization with laundry so I wasn't sure whether Scrubs ate it or whether Kelsey misplaced it. (Sorry Kelsey -- just had to be honest!)

As of two minutes ago, proof was on the floor. Scrubs had eaten the sock, and uneaten it. These were the green socks that we got on the plane on our way to South Africa. It had seemed weird for the airline to give socks away. However, shortly after takeoff, it became obvious why they did this. All these Nigerians on the plane were wearing sandals and were used to living without air conditioning. They had no idea how cold the plane was going to get. Sure enough, thirty minutes after takeoff and the plane was overrun with Nigerians in green socks. Too funny.

Kelsey, I still have my pair. I'll be shipping them to you soon. What kind of dogs eats socks?!


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should change his name to Socks. :)

yuan family said...

Cute shoes!

Anonymous said...


I KNEW IT!!!! That poor puppy!! I am sooo sorry Wendi. I did love those socks...

TAV said...

i somehow have managed to keep track of mine, too!

Rachel and Hans said...

Will scrubs eat old, ratty shirts of Hans' that I want to get rid of? If so...let me know because I'll bring some. Hans won't let me throw them away, but guaranteed he won't say a word to Scrubs if HE eats them.