Wednesday, July 17, 2024

365 Days of Rest #6

Yesterday, in the midst of having a good day and week, I posted the above to Facebook. 

And then today, a need to just put my head on Jesus’ lap arrived with the morning light. 

Today was a harder day. A lot of sadness and learning coming out of me. So I gave myself permission to FEEL those things. To say “I can’t” go to dinner with my parents even though I really wanted to. “I can’t meet a friend for coffee.” Instead, I will recover. I’m learning to listen to my body. To not just push. To live. To slow down. 

God is with us as recover. He’s with us through everything. 

I took the time to feel some of the hard stuff today. I never understood a healing journey until now — while I’m on a healing journey. 

Our friends: Shea and Justin have been on their own journey, and we’ve been honored to walk along with them.

Justin sent us a link to an amazing podcast episode that really spoke to me: 

The Lord is my Shepherd

I hope to continue to take you with me on my journey. God is giving me what and who I need to help me on this recovery road. He’s an amazing father. I know that more clearly than I ever have.

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