Friday, July 12, 2024

365 Days of Rest #2

Sometimes rest looks like sitting at a movie with all of your favorite people: Kotynski family, kids, nieces, nephews and seeing a movie. Today it was Inside Out 2. 

By the way, I watched the first one for the first time yesterday at my house, and it was amazing! I feel I wouldn’t have gotten nearly the same thing out of it if I hadn’t just gone on this mental health journey. 

I have decided to document the rest I find in each day. This is not to virtue signal or gloat or expect other people to do what I am doing. I also understand that my life affords me more time to do this as I do not work and have a husband who financially supports me. 

But despite that, I’ve never been cognizant of rest. I’ve never been intentional. And I’m going to be. Everyday. Building on quiet time. Family time. Peaceful time. 

Please come along with me!

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