Friday, July 26, 2024

365 Days of Rest #15

Today will be our first full day in Vermont … but I plan to be off my phone and tech!! I can’t wait to unplug and go dark. (I will add in my rest posts from
Vermont on our way home. Although I may choose to blog a little from Joni’s computer which will keep me off my phone and “my” tech.

So, my day of rest today will be a flashback. 

Tuesday, before we left, we had Carter D. over for dinner. Carter attended FCC and our homeschool group. I think he probably graduated around 2018. He was also very involved with community theatre. Now, he’s at medical school at Liberty In Virginia and came back to Greeneville to do an ER rotation with JB. 

Well, the rotation is ending and we are headed for vacation so we had him out for a farm visit. He helped move sheep and chicken and then got to eat some of the meat he helped care for. (Not the exact meat but the kind of meat :)

Also in attendance, Lovely Lily. That’s what I call her. She’s my Lovely Lily. I love me some Lovely Lily. She is the oldest child  of our great friends the Shrader family. We’ve been friends with their family for years, but in the last two years of so, our families have really connected. Daniel (the dad) is a permaculture/nature guy. Meredith is super cool and a bosom buddy to me. This was the family we went to Costa Rica with too! They have two other kiddos below Lily: Honest Hosea (who is Hannah’s age and honest to a fault like Sidge) and Jubilant Janessa (who is five and just pure silliness.) We love this family. 

Abigail and Sidge are very good friends with Lily. Their family was on vacation and now our family was getting ready to leave so we squeezed in a Lovely Lily day! Would have liked to have all the kids over but the younger two had camp at our church. (We know them from homeschool, ballet, and church!)

Lovely Lily and Creative Carter … good for the soul!!

P.S. Isaac wasn’t there because he drove the car for one of the first times solo just for some guy hang out time with his buddies! Crazy!!
P.S.S. while I am not getting on my phone or any social media, I am hoping to post some pictures to my Blog a little bit. So here is the first one. It's a bit cool today (I think we might hit 80 degrees by the day's end) and the water is rough -- so we won't do much in the lake today. But still, sitting on my porch, surrounded by trees, with nothing on my daily schedule ... this is my HAPPY PLACE!


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