Make sure you read to the end of this review to find out how you can have a chance to receive a free copy of this movie.
If you have not had the opportunity to visit the FishFlix website, you are really missing out! FishFlix is an online Christian Movie Store run by Christians. You can get Christian movies, Christian DVDs, and Christian films at a very fair and reasonable cost.
I had the opportunity to review the movie Return to the Hiding Place this month, and folks I am not sure I can say enough good things about this movie. This one will stick with me for a long time to come.
Return to the Hiding Place details the familiar story of Corrie ten Boom from an entirely different perspective. When Corrie realizes the rising Nazi empire will destroy Holland create the holocaust of every innocent Jew in secret-death camps, she faces the deadly risk using an army comprised of untrained teenagers. While I have both read and seen the movie The Hiding Place, I had actually never heard of this second story. I was worried that it wouldn't be up to the standard that I hold the first movie and book.

But I was not let down at all! This was a fantastic film.
This movie specifically focuses on two young men: Piet Hartog and Hans Poley. What follows is an amazing story of Christian young men and women who risk everything to save the lives of Jewish men, women, and children during Hitler's reign of terror.
This movie is billed as a thrilling action romantic drama, and it absolutely stays true to that. I want to see Christian movies done as well as their secular counterparts, and this movie is that for sure. The acting was outstanding, and I often found myself forgetting that I was watching a non-mainstream film.
You will cheer and cry at this exciting, sobering tale of Hans and the youth movement that dared to resist one of History's cruelest dictators.
In addition, I definitely intend to continue to turn to FishFlix for quality Christian entertainment, and I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. I am going to hold a drawing to give away my copy of this movie. I will also include a copy of Faith of our Fathers which I reviewed earlier this week. Please leave a comment, and I will choose a random winner in one week!
Good luck!
I'm going to have to look into FishFlick. Never heard of it. Thanks!
I hope that the pig is doing better! The movies sound great.
This movie sounds fantastic! I have always been so inspired by Corrie ten Boom's life.
I loved the book "The Hiding Place". I'd love to see this movie.
: ) Lisa
I'd love to see these!
Hans and I would love this! :)
Sounds good - I have not heard of them before.
This sounds awesome!! Thanks for sharing as I would not have known the film existed. I had heard a bit about the second story and would like to learn more. What a remarkable woman!
Previous comment by anonymous is by me, Julie Edgar!
Both movies sound great. Thank you for sharing!
Julie Edgar! You are the winner!!!!
Oh my goodness!! How wonderful!! Thank you!
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