With Isaac learning to walk a bit, we decided that it was time we put some shoes on him. Today, Elijah and I had doctors' appointments. Isaac was going to stay with our great friend Jodi but she was sick so he came with us. The shoes, did not last long. Isaac was completely unimpressed and unhappy with the idea. He refused to stand in them and kept trying to pull them off. We think this pair might be a bit big (they were a gift we had in the closet) so this weekend we are going to try and get some that fit a little bit better and see if he likes that idea better.
As for the doctor ... Elijah is doing well. He has gained two pounds (10.13 from his start weight of 8.14) which is in the normal range but in the low end of normal. So we are going to go back in two weeks and get him weighed again and see how well he is gaining. Please pray that he is gaining weight appropriately so that we don't have to discuss waking him up in the middle of the night or supplementing with formula. He is now 23" tall ... up two inches.
We are excited that tonight we are going to return to our weekly Bible Study after a two month hiatus. Can't wait!
Ahh yes.. the first time in shoes! I remember it well! Kate is 22 months old now, and I know we had the same trouble with shoes when we first tried to get her to wear them. I would suggest looking at the Robeez shoes (or any that are similar!). They are still soft and feel more like socks. They are a good transition to "real" shoes.
oh how cute
love SuzanneinAustralia HP
AWH MAN>>>>>caregroup....did Isaac ever get his back pack?
Brittney has it. Are y'all still meeting at their house?
CUTE shoes. My little guys loved shoes at that age. But now they are true Georgia-Floridians who prefer to be BAREFOOT or in Flips. Even when weather is in the teens my son puts on flips...I don't let him go out like that!
Wendi, JK did not take to shoes either. Until we put Robeez on him. He was fine then. (Knock-off Robeez from Target are half the price.) Like BrittPhelps said, they are a good transition shoe.
Thanks for the advice everyone! Actually I realized that we have a pair of Robeez ... my friend Jodi gave them to me when Isaac was first born and I forgot all about them! We tried them on. They are great! Do you wear them with socks?
The only thing is they are a bit funny looking ... :)
Did he like the Robeez better. We have a hard time here with shoes also.
Kate wore hers with and without socks.. they do look like slippers, but they are good for inside and outside, and they wash very easily. They can get expensive. I was always online looking for a good deal on them. You might want to keep an eye on www.endless.com It is an online shoe store that has free shipping all the time.
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