Tuesday, October 17, 2006


My cousin Justin put one of the best country songs around on his myspace site. You got to check it out. If you just go there, it will start playing automatically. I love that song!



Anonymous said...

Okay, I must be really retarded. Went to Justin's myspace (cool, by the way!) but no songs play. One does on Josh's page though. Why am I technologically-challenged w/ the song-playing?! (and why am I reading blogs at 6 a.m., you might ask....). Can you at least tell me what song it was? Maybe it's one of my favorites too!

Anonymous said...

This is Justin....

sorry if anybody else couldn't hear the song. sometimes my space isn't fun and messes up. i think i fixed it, but the song will only play as fast as your internet connection is. sorry dial-up users. upgrade!

Anonymous said...

Okay, to set the record straight, I do NOT have dial-up :) But now it plays. Who sings it and what's the title? I like it a lot!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Josh Turner. MY SPACE STINKS TARA! No worries.

I think it's called "Would you go with me?"