I hosted the
wifia lunch
yesterday and finally took some pictures. I am getting really into this new camera of
JB's which means I am not afraid to use it and am taking more photos. So, here they are:
Here is Isaac, resting up in preparation for the lunch. He actually slept, holding onto this toy, for nearly two hours!
Joia and Keenan, who returned later in the day for me to watch him while Mom went to exercise class.
Jonathon getting practice being a big brother. His little sister is due in December. This picture also shows off Isaac's ability to put his whole hand in his mouth. The kid gags himself on a regular basis. he just LOVES to suck on his hands.Sarah and Della. Sarah is now practicing to teach a pre-natal yoga class and last night I got a free class and practiced being one of her students. It was great!
Andrea and Jonathon
Scrubs came out to play later but during the heat of the chaos, he stayed in the kitchen. Here he is trying to figure out what Jonathon wants him to smell.
Della -- not sure she wants to listen to Mommy about not touching the TV.
Scrubs came out of the kitchen after lunch and joined all the kids in the living room. He was doing a great job, despite the tons of toys all over that he could have eaten. A great job that is until he decided he wanted to run laps IN the house, dodging each of the kids. Jodi the great, had a better idea and took Scrubs and the kids out to play ball in the yard. Look at that arm!

Here's Della bringing Scrubs a stick.
And here is Scrubs, being very gentle in taking it from Della.
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