It has been great having Erica here. She and I always have tons to talk about. She joined me on my walk yesterday evening which made it go by much faster, and she also cooked us a great dinner. I think she called it a taco ring? I'm not sure. But whatever it was, I ate too much of it and have too much left to eat today at lunch for leftovers as well! I told Erica that we love having low-maintenance company: the type that you don't worry what you look like or what's in your fridge or what mess is in on your counters. You just go with the flow. Erica is very go-with-the-flow. She is also from our old stomping grounds in the KY/TN area which gives us lots of great stories. Erica is not quite as into the Olympics as we are, but she's been a good sport in joining in on the festivities with us. Last night I tried so hard to stay up and watch the men's gymnastics, but ended up having to record it. JB and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them win the bronze during breakfast this morning on the VCR! Go USA! Have I told you I love watching the Olympics?!?
Anyways, speaking of Erica, here is a photo I stole from her camera of a sleeping Isaac:

You'll notice the new toys in front of Isaac. He has really started to like to touch different toys. I don't think he grabs them on purpose, but once he accidentally secures them in his little hands, he doesn't let them go. He is smiling all the time, giggling quite a lot, and while he hasn't rolled over yet, I think he is getting close. He continues to think bath time is the greatest thing in the whole world. JB usually gives him his baths and I can hear John in the kitchen asking Isaac to please quit kicking so much as the kitchen floor is covered with water by the time they are done! Isaac's other favorite thing is watching Scrubs. He loves to look at that dog!
Another new thing is that we can now use the little baby chair I got from one of my showers. I couldn't really get a good photo of Isaac since he would not stop staring at Scrubs. But here's a semi-decent photo anyways that at least shows him sitting up in his chair:

And here he is with Keenan who came over to hang out while his mom took her turn at our exercise class. Joia does one day a week, and I do the other, and we babysit for each other on the opposite days.
So that's about all there is to report here. It is currently raining, and I think it is supposed to do that most of the day so I may end up having to bring Deuce over here to play again! We'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward this evening to JB making some grilled sandwhiches on the grill with fresh fruit and just chilling watching the women's gymanstics team possibly win gold! I LOVE THE OLYMPICS!
Hey Wen,
we don't have a tv -so I am missing my much loved Olympics. If you have any Olymics on VCR that we could borrow for awhile can you bring 'em with when you come!
love Tante Jan
We would be a duo Wen, I LOVE the Olympics so much( and I am glued to the TV!) and hate to miss any of it!!!! The mens win was so so awesome!! I could just feel all the emotions!!!! Cant wait for the women!! Have a told you lately how ADORABLE Isaac is??????? He is just such a honey!!! Enjoy the rest of your week! Love Ya N
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