Last night, JB did another ultrasound so that Mom K. and Gabbi could meet the little bean. JB tried hard but no sure view on the sex yet. We have our thoughts but no confirmation. Hopefully within the next month.
If you haven't made a guess on our game, do it quickly. Once the sex is out, the game is closed. We'll have to see if AD can repeat as champion!
Yeah... I like the name lima bean... lb for short hehe. I missed you guys sunday but it looks like you had a great day with family. :)
That's a great ultrasound picture!
What an adorable picture...she/he is a very photogenic little lima bean.
it totally looks like a real baby now! wow! that is awesome! and yes, i am checking your blog on our honeymoon!! hans and i found free interent access at our hotel!!
Yay Lima Bean! It is soooooo cute! And from the context of your blog, I think I know whether or not the little bean has a Y chromosome!
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