Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Erica Video

Some of you who have been reading my blog since the very beginning, remember the story of Erica. Erica is the cousin of my cousin Sarah, and she lost all four of her limbs to bacterial meningitis. Now, thanks to some awesome prostetics, she's getting to even wear high heel shoes. You can check out the video featured on NBC news in Chicago, by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

I cried again Wen!
I want to see more of her story -either on tv/video or in a book!
Thank you for sharing that!
Her joy of life is so wonderful.
Somehow i thought i could feel her dad's pain, looking back, in the little he said...Their story would be an inspiration to many and a strength to anyone's whose faith is in the testing fires.
Tante Jan

June said...

Hi, Wendi,

Sorry to be OT, but I saw this and thought I'd fwd it to you: