Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dog Class videos

So some of you may not be interested in this post at all. Don't worry. You won't hurt my feelings. But this blog is a way that I can keep a "public diary" of sorts and so I want to include these videos here. A lot of times, this blog is written more for me than it is for anyone else. So if you aren't interested in dog stuff, just skip this post and drop in tomorrow for some new news, non-dog related.

As I have mentioned in some previous posts, Scrubs has been taking dog classes. The initial class was just a "puppy class" which vets and books recommend for any new puppy as it helps socialize them to other dogs and get over some fears that can only be worked on when they are very young. We take these classes in Crestview (about 30 minutes north of here) at RPO. This is a FANTASTIC place where Diane F., a former veterinarian tech has dedicated her life to helping train and teach animals. This is also where Scrubs can go and stay at "dog camp" overnight.

Puppy class was the only class we planned on doing until we got news of the "May Baby." Suddenly, the pup we thought would be three years old before we had a child in the house, would only be a year old! We felt the need to fast forward his behavior as quickly as possible. So we signed up for a basic obedience class. He learned TONS in this class. This class also included an introduction to agility. We found that Scrubs really liked the agility stuff, it was great exercise for him, and he learned to listen and follow commands better.

So, after our basic obedience class, we decided to go back for a class solely dedicated to agility. These videos were taken last night, on the "graduation" of agility class.

We have decided that with little XY coming in just eight weeks, we are going to take a break from classes. Our plan is to do a "repeat" class in June. (This is just a plan -- we may change our mind.) This allows us to only go to the classes we want and only pay $5 on the nights we can go. This is Diane's policy. If you take any class over again, you can do it on a "drop-in" basis and only pay the $5 fee. I think the drop-in basis will be a good option for us. That way, if JB gets home at a good time, and I want to get out of house without XY, Scrubs and I can go have a nice time. However, we don't feel obligated to go or feel like we are losing money if we don't go.

Many people in the class are hoping to actually get into agility competitions. I don't know that we will ever do that. But Scrubs love the classes and learns to listen better with every class! We just have a good time, and he sleeps the entire next day! :)

Okay, so this has turned into a real long post. Here, as promised, are the videos.

The first video is JB doing the "pinwheel" with Scrubs. Look at what a good job Scrubs does for JB!

Now, here he is with me, the person who takes him EVERY week! This is a very bad performance; however, pay special attention to Scrubs' second jump. Everyone in the class cracks up when Scrubs starts jumping because he tends to do these "bunny hops." Too cute!

Here is Scrubs doing the dogwalk with JB. This may look simple, but it is actually very difficult to learn because dogs aren't really aware of their back feet without practice. Also, if they get "spooked" one time, they may never want to do it again. This is Scrubs after many weeks of practice and figuring out where his back feet are!

Here's a grouping of four tricks! Jump -- Climb -- Tunnel (Scrubs' favorite!) and another jump. The delay after the climb is because he couldn't find his treat! :)

Anyways, please don't post a comment which says: Oh my -- if you are this crazy about your dog, how crazy will you be when you have kids? I know, I know. But you have to understand that after ten years of marriage, it is so fun for me (and JB) to have this other little creature in our lives. And yes, we think that we will be even more excited when the creature is a human being and not a dog! :)


Anonymous said...

Yay Scrubs! These videos were so fun to watch! It's not lame AT ALL that you like Scrubs so much and make a big deal out of his accomplishments... He's a great dog!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Thanks Joia!!! you are awesome!

AW said...

Yay Scrubby! What a smart boy!

Anonymous said...

Dog obedience class...kids obedience class...why didn't I think of that when my kids were little. Scrubs obeys so much better than my four children.

Tara said...

Awwww....makes me wish we had done something like this with our two! It looks like so much fun. Our biggest accomplishment in training lately is keeping them away from the cat food.

Good boy, Scrubs! (And good job to both of his humans, as well).

AW said...

Our biggest accomplishment in training lately is keeping them away from the cat food.

You realize you're going to have to do that with Charlie too, right? :-)