Also, I have received many emails about the movie Bella. Winner of the Toronto Film Festival, this movie shows how love goes beyond romance with the lead actor sharing compassion for a woman dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. It was initially shown in only a limited number of theatres but during the next few weeks will be coming to more theatres throughout the U.S. If this movie is in your city, GO SEE IT!
Also, if you are interested in helping children but don't plan to adopt yourself, consider sponsoring a child. JB and I sponsor through World Vision, but there are many organization that do this like Bethany Christian Services. Bethany's International Child Sponsorship program helps provide funds for food and education, so that children may continue to live with their biological families.
Another fun note this holiday season is World Vision's Gift Catalog. If you are looking for a gift for that person who has everything, consider a gift from this catalog. You can honor someone in your life by giving a life-changing gift in their name to a child or family in need. For instance, for just $40, you can buy a fishing kit. Or, for $195, a pig for a family. This is a really awesome idea so consider this!
On a sad note, I wanted to pass along a prayer request. There is a family that I do not know personally who is adopting from China. The parents were in China and had received their daughter, when the father fell ill, and passed away from diabetic shock in the hospital in China. In addition, their adoption is not final (and China doesn't allow singles to adopt) so that creates a whole new level. Please pray for this family.
According to the Sheldon's blog the adoption was finalized on Nov 6th. I hope that's the case.
Oh my. Wendi, what a sad story. I am praying right now.
Oh, my heart hurts. :-(...
Hey Wendi, my mom and I are working on grants for Dreammakers. Do you have a sample of one you could send me? My email is laturner7@hotmail.com.
I read your blog almost everyday. You are such a great writer! :)
You need to hear Mark's new song: "Everything to Me". When I heard the song, I thought of you!
God Bless,
Susan :)
I was in the doctors office with my son for three hours! To pass the time, I started flipping through magazines. I never read Redbook, but as I leafed through, I ran across an EXCELLENT article on adoption. The magazine was the Nov/2007 issue, so I assume it is tied in with Adoption Awareness month. They asked lots of interesting questions like, after grappling with infertility, how do you know you are ready to adopt...what kind of adoption...how do I deal with joy over adoption while still grieving about miscarriages? I recommend taking a look at the article.
Susan, I actually included this on my blog on November 1st. I know! I love it.
I also need to find this article ... not sure how I could get it. Anyone have a copy of Redbook?
Go to Redbookmag.com and type "adoption" into the search box in the upper right hand corner. Up should pop the article entitled, "This Is What Aoption Looks Like". There are also some featured blogs and one is about infertility. The author is a great writer, but this blog is obviously not from a faith-based point-of-view. Hope this is the right article and this helps to avoid having to track down the magazine. Oh, and Wendi, I also noticed that the mag asked readers about other blogs they visit that talk about infertility...and one reader mentioned YOUR blog!!!Isn't that neat?!?
Okay I found the article. I didn't find where you can post comments? Can you help direct me more to that?!?
I can't wait to read this article.
I think this might get you there (Ihope!) :)
How cool!!!
I would LOVE to do a blog for a magazine ... that would be awesome. Although I think they already picked their bloggers.
From which organization did you receive the email about the Ethiopian siblings? I know several adoptive parents, including myself, who're open to the possibility should the Spirit move. Thanks!
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