Actually, to make things even more interesting, our birthmom was the junior bridesmaid in our wedding back in 1998. Here's another photo.
For those of you who have only know me recently or through this blog, you may remember "meeting" her when she came to visit us in June. Here is a recent picture of the two of us.

That's right, our birthmom is Brianna (or "Bri" as she likes to be called.)
So, for those of you who don't know who Brianna is, here's a quick jaunt down memory lane which will eventually bring us up to the present.
Before I was born, my parents lived in a townhouse and had some great friends: Roy and Joan. Fast forward a few years, I have joined the picture, and Roy and Joan have a son: Brant. I started babysitting for Brant when I was eleven years old. When I was thirteen (and Brant was seven,) he passed away. Six months later, Brianna was adopted into Roy and Joan's family at two days old.
Until I left for college in 1995, Brianna "Bri" and I were . . . inseperable. Here's a few pictures of us when we were both a lot younger.

I used to hang out over at their house all the time and would babysit Brianna all the time. When I left for college, we continued to stay in touch. Our families have remained very close to this day.
Bri is now seventeen years old. She will be eighteen the day this baby is due! She is also pregnant with our child. Wow. That's amazing to say. She is pregnant with our child.
Despite the fact that Bri is only seventeen, she has handled what has happened to her with amazing courage and strength. She could have made a very simple choice. She could have made a choice that no one would have known about. She could have let her life continue on as if nothing had ever happened.
Instead, she chose to give this child life. She also chose to ask JB and I to be the parents of this child. Quite honestly, I am not sure we would have said yes to anyone but Bri. It seemed natural that our families would continue to merge as they have already merged in the past.
Brianna is an amazing young woman. From the beginning, she has made us feel like we are a part of every part of this journey. She will have an ultrasound in January that I will get to be there for. She calls me after every appointment. Joan is sending me the sonogram pictures by Fed-Ex today so I should have them on the blog by week's end! When I suggested Bri give me ideas for a middle name, she told me that the name is up to us. (I have, however, shared our name with her, and she loves it. I am so glad!) She will allow us both to be at the delivery. I am so excited by all these things.
Many of you have questions. We know this family well. How will this adoption play out? We have discussed much of this, but there are many things that we don't have answers for as well. And we are okay with that. We are simply excited about being the parents of this child and helping to raise him/her (ha! I am being careful) up as she/he should go. Our child will have questions, and we will not lie to our child. Our child will know they are adopted. Our child will know who their birthparents are. How much the birthmom is involved in our child's life is something we will handle as the years go by. For now, we just want to hold and love this little child as much as we can.
I also wanted to tell you that Bri and her family read this blog. They read the comments. So PLEASE feel free to share your excitement and joy with us in the comments on this blog. You can leave comments directly for Bri. She will read them! If you have something you want to tell her . . . if you want to thank her . . . feel free. She deserves our thanks. Our lives are forever changed by her choice. We will never be the same.
I love you Bri. From now on, on the blog, the "birthmom" will simply be called Bri. Thank you "little sister" for making our dreams of parenthood a reality. You are awesome!
Tears render me speechless. I picture you holding your toddler just as you held Bri long ago. There's such beauty in that! Bri, you and Rachel, my daughter's birthmom, are my HEROES!
What a priceless entry. All the old pics brought back all those memories of one of the cutest little girls I knew back in FL :) I still remember helping you watch her at Joan and Roy's and eating Domino's pizza on their floor and swimming in their pool. Bri was always so much fun to be around.\
And I have always thought that this baby of yours that is on the way was meant to be. God had a plan all along...and I'm excited to see it all unfold and to watch you hold your own baby like you held Bri long ago. Wow, that is weird to say :) Bri is amazing for all she is doing and the heart she has for you and JB. I knew long ago you two had a special bond...but now to watch the bond you will continue to have...well, it can't be put into words.
And, I just have to say that I don't know if I can make it through another 24 hours w/o knowing the gender of this lil' Kit baby :) You're killing me here! And you're making my mom wait too...she just called here asking if I knew yet?! Don't make us wait much longer! Love ya!
Bri, you are precious and are so selfless to give this wonderful couple such a wonderful gift! I can't wait to meet you someday!!! And I'm SOOOO happy it's by bday :)
Oh my. What a story! Who knew that so many years ago your "little sister" would be offering this gift to you. This child is bound to be special in so many ways.
Bri, you are such a gift! Not just to Wendi and John, but to those of us witnessing your story. Thank you for being so willing to open yourself up so we can see this miracle. And thank you for making my sweet friend a momma.
Wendi...with this news, the gender doesn't even matter anymore to me. You are HAVING A BABY!!! Agggh. LOL!
I don't know what else to say, but...
I'm in tears. I'm touched by the journey Wendi and JB are going through and how gracefully they have handled every bump along the way. I'm so very happy that Wendi and JB will, in a few months, be holding the baby that they have longed for....THEIR baby.
Bri, Thank you so much for choosing life. To all of us who struggle with infertility, this is a very precious gift you have given to Wendi and JB. God bless you.
How amazing! God certainly is working in both your lives!
I have chills....Bri, you are so absolutely wonderful.
Wow!! What a story!
Bri, you are so brave and mature to be making this decision. You must be surrounded by an awesome family for support. But I can see why you have chosen JB and Wendi. Wendi is obviously a very special person to you, and it will be so awesome to have her holding your baby as she held you. Wow again!!
i can't add more than everyone said except to tell you i'll be praying during this pregnancy, until that little guy is born.
May God comfort and strengthen you and fill you with the knowledge of His deep love for you...Psalm 139
May He give you good health and all you need each step of the way of this journey you are on....
May you have peace, and joy from Him...
I know your parents -and used to swim at your house before you were born. But only two or three times as i was visiting visit my sister Diane, Wen's mom...but lived in Chicago. I loved your mom -she sure loved fun!
with love "tante" Jan
thanks everyone
Okay...WOW!!! I am shaking my head in awe and wonder at how pieces are falling...no...being PUT into place by the Give of Life, the Lover of our Souls, our Father in heaven. His plan is so BIG and He has something for everyone in this, John and Wendi, Kit kid on the way, AND Bri, the grandparents to be, etc., etc. Again...WOW!
Bri is a courageous young woman! Even though we can't always see God's plan, He is always working for good for those who love Him! Neat story for your little guy someday. Mommy's boys are wonderful, congratulations!
Since I have permission, Bri, I want to tell you what i recently told a student of mine who gave her baby upfor adoption. Thank you. Thank you for giving couples like ours and our friends a chance to be parents. Thank you for valuing life and purpose. You are making a very grown-up decision and a very wise one for someone your age. This also speaks wonders of your parents. They have raised a very mature, wise, and loving daughter. May God bless you, this child, and the new family that is being created.
I've been following your blog for several months now...and today is the day that Baby Elijah came into this world.
I went back to look and see when Isaac was born and found these entries. And I am just amazed! God is so good! You have been so blessed with such a wonderful relationship with Bri and her family. Isaac is so blessed to be able to know his whole family and to be raised around all of them!
God bless you all! Your family is beautiful!!!
Krystal in TX
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