Friday, November 09, 2007

Bad feet and teeth

So the good news: my foot is not broken. No broken bones. No stress fractures.

The not so good news: it looks like I may need a root canal. The dentist is sending me to a root canal dentist guy. An endodontist or something like that. Help me out here Rachel the dentist.

As for the foot, JB thinks that, now that we have ruled out a break or fracture (or are those the same things?) that we can move on to other problems. He diagnosed me with some fancy thing that I think means I have tendinitis. He said no running and no walking hills. Oh geesh. Maybe I am just not supposed to be a runner. Every time I finally get up and moving again, I get knocked back down to not running again. I keep telling him that it doesn't hurt while I am running or walking. It hurts when my toe gets pointed downward. He said he understands but that I need to listen.

As for the teeth, nothing showed up on the x-ray, but the extreme cold sensitivity I am complaining of is characteristic of a nerve problem. So off to the more expert dentist I go. She can't get me until December 3rd. The dentist said that this is fine. As long as my pain stays minimal, I should be fine. If it gets worse, call them and they'll push me through faster.

While those sound like a lot of body "issues," I have definitely noticed a huge improvement in one specific area since going off all those infertility medications: sleep. Seriously, I fall asleep moments after lying down each night. I may get up to use the bathroom once or twice, but I have not, since moving here, had even one night that I couldn't sleep. I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to sleep and sleep well. Four years of sleepless nights will make anyone a tad bit cranky.

JB and I have started talking more about the adoption. We've been talking about where to put the nursery. Where to put my office. How many hours a week I should work when the baby comes home. How will we get to the delivery. How we will get to the delivery on time. It's all very surreal to me. Last week I actually went online to look at cribs. This was a big step. No purchases yet, but I am moving in the right direction.

I also still have some bad infertility days. This week it was hearing of another friend who got pregnant after infertility treatments. This seems so dumb. It seems that I should be happy for this individual. And of course, I am happy. But I also find that this sends me into a bit of a tailspin. I feel that I've come to terms that people get pregnant every day and that, I, have not been one of them. But for some reason, hearing that someone else had a successful round with IVF or an IUI is still difficult for me. I feel sorry for myself. I question why it couldn't have worked for me. I question our decision to spend so much time and money on something that so far, hasn't worked. And I question God. I am amazed at all the prayers He answers. But for some reason, the fact that He hasn't answered this one: a biological child, still effects me.

I know what you all will tell me, and trust me, I tell myself these things repeatedly. I know that we still have seven sticky babies waiting for us. I know that once this May baby comes home, things will seem so much clearer. I know that had we had a biological child, we probably wouldn't be adopting this baby in May. I know that when we get this baby in May, we will be celebrating and blessed beyond measure. But it's hard to figure out why God gives a baby to someone who can't take care of it and doesn't give the baby to someone who can. I still can't quite wrap my mind around this. I am getting there. I am healing. But the healing is slow and often includes a few steps backward every now and then.

Your prayers that my heart will continue to heal are appreciated. There are still moments when I just wish I was able to be pregnant, to carry a child, to feed that child, and tell my parents and husband about that child. Yesterday was one of those days. I know it will pass.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Wendi, for being so vulnerable, and transparent, and honest in your writing on this blog. I have such a hard time with all of that...that's why I often post a comment , but remain anonymous. Sorry...even admitting that I do this is making my hands sweat! Anyway, I just did a search on your blog for some quotes that I sent you a long time ago...back in August and September of '06. They are quotes that have helped me tremendously when I begin to question God and the unheled aches in my own life. I want to recommend a couple of books that have helped me also. One is by Jerry Bridges called,Trusting God Even When Life Hurts. Another is an old classic by Phillip Yancey entitled, Where is God When It Hurts? And another favorite is by Kay Arthur called , Lord, Heal My Hurts. I have taught the first and the last one in a women's Bible Study and I learned more than I taught. I love Jerry Bridges' book because it forced me to wrestle with God's soveriegnty. (I don't think I spelled that last word correctly!) Thanks again, Wendi, for sharing your heart. AnneMarie
"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace."

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

I don't mind anonymous comments -- otherwise I could set the blog to not receive them. Sometimes things need to be said but who said them doesn't matter.

Thanks so much AnneMarie. It's funny, but I just bought a few of those books and sent them to someone else ... maybe I should have kept them for myself. I think I may start in on the Yancy book -- I've heard people rave about that.

Bless you!

Rachel and Hans said...

Oh Wendi,
Sorry about your troubles with your tooth. Yes, an endodontist is correct. Just so you know, if it comes down to it, the root canal won't hurt...there is a bad misconception that they do, but they shouldn't.
Glad you have had better sleep these days and I pray that you continue to find peace with the infertility stuff. You are so strong.

p.s. See you in 8 days! :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't know if this will help while you wait -on the teeth -but i had a dentist in Indonesia ask me -Do you use a HARD toothbrush and brush hard!? I said yes. She said that can actually cause the kind of pain that might make me think i needed a root canal -i was dubious -but bought a medium toothbrush and brushed less vigorously -just thouroughly -and the pain eased!??

Rachel and Hans said...

WARNING: maybe more info than you want to know below:

Your dentist probably explained this to you already, but just thought I'd comment anyway. Your aunt is right...sensitivity from vigorous brushing can mimic pain similar to that of a tooth needing a root canal. Usually, with this kind of pain there is an area of exposed root (right below the margin of the crown) that is causing the sensitivity. If you have an area like this, you can try brushing with a desensitizing toothpaste (i.e. Sensodyne) and see if that helps at all. If it doesn't, unfortunately you're probably looking at the nerve of the tooth being the cause of your problem (therefore needing a root canal).

And if you're really interested:

I guess I'm kind of a oral health geek now. But when you spend 4 years of your life x 8 hours/day x 5+ days a week studying the stuff, it's hard NOT to become one. :-)

Rachel and Hans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AW said...


I'm so sorry about the tailspin moments. It's a strange feeling to experience the really hard questions and yet KNOW that God has a wonderful plan laid out. My question was always, "If there's a wonderful plan laid out, why do You have to make the journey there so dang painful? Do you like me questioning Your Sovereignty?"

So frustrating. And yet I believe in His Sovereignty more and more everyday. I just don't like the path it takes to get to His will sometimes. :-)
