I read on their website that:
- 143 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents.
- At least 16.2 million children worldwide have lost both parents.
- 16 million children were newly orphaned in 2003.
- Armed conflicts orphaned or separated 1 million children from their families in the 1990s.
- Two to five percent of all refugees worldwide are children living without their parents.
- The proportion of children who are orphans generally increases with age. 12% (17.5 million) are 0-5 years; 33% (47 million) are 6-11 years; 55% (79 million) are 12-17 years old.
While many of these children live throughout the world and not in the U.S., more than 800,000 children pass through America’s foster care system each year.
I read on Lesley's blog that she and Dave were considering becoming foster parents. I think this is fantastic! I truly believe there is a misconception that only the infertile can adopt or foster! I saw that my Tante Janet posted a comment about a church who committed to get all children in their county out of the foster system. This, in fact, is what the Bible commands, and yet I think it is not something that gets enough emphasis in the church. James 1:27 encourages us "to look after orphans and widows in their distress ..."
If a child turns 18, they can no longer be adopted. This means that they will enter the world without a "forever family." Imagine yourself trying to navigate life after high school without a family to provide you with guidance. Adopting older children is usually free or very little cost. Many of these children come from a troubled past, but many are just in need of a family to call their own.
Don't get me wrong. I am not telling everyone who reads this that "they better adopt or else..." This isn't for everyone, and the Lord calls us all to do different things. However, I am hoping that even just one person reading this will feel a nagging in their heart that they can't get rid of and decide to look into becoming a foster parent or adopted parent. If you aren't able to foster or adopt yourself, I also hope this encourages you to support someone else who wants to adopt but cannot afford it.
If anyone else has any other good resources, please post a comment! Or, if anyone has anything else they think would be appropriate to share for National Adoption Month, please let me know.
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