Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Acupuncture feedback

So I have returned, without harm, from my first acupuncture treatment. It was relatively painless, was relatively relaxing, and was relatively strange. JB explained to me some of the scientific background of acupuncture. It is used quite a lot here in Western culture but used all the time in China and Eastern cultures.

As we pulled out the calendar post-acupuncture treatment, we realized that I only have one full week after this week before our IVF begins! It's unbelievable how fast this is gone. Woah. Now I really need to stay relaxed. Which, honestly, I have been completely relaxed. I'm sleeping great. Eating well. Exercising regularly. I feel really good.

If you think of it, please be praying for Friday. There are a few things that are concerning me. The first is that, without using the birth control pill this time, my ovaries may not be completely "suppressed". They like to use the pill but changed protocol to help prevent my migraines. Would I take it back? Heeeeckkkk nooooooo. I have been completely migraine free. This in comparison to nearly three months of nearly daily migraines last cycle. Yikes! So I am happy they switched protocol but nervous that everything will be okay. If for any reason I am not "suppressed", they would have to delay the start and have me take more medication.

Another bit of nervousness is the dilation. This is not fun at all. I am glad they are doing it now instead of the operating room as we all know last transfer did not go as planned. This is especially important as I have been talking to JB and my acupuncturist about how to stay "relaxed" and "calm" once I leave his office and make my way over to the hospital. I don't want it to take an hour this time. I don't want it to hurt like it did last time so it is definitely better to have the pain now, this Friday, instead of two weeks from now. But either way, Friday's procedure is not a fun one.

The third bit of nervousness is that we will find peace with the number to fertilize. We still have not made a decision and need to make it be Friday. We have basically narrowed it down but need a little more direction.

I am also proud as I gave myself a shot of lupron this morning. I haven't done that at all during this cycle. JB is working three odd shifts this week. Today, Thursday, and Friday he works from 3pm-midnight. This means that he isn't really feeling "up" to getting up with me at 6am. Even right now, he has stayed in bed to try and catch a few extra hours for his late evening. He had me bring the lupron into the bedroom and do it with him watching. Which was a good thing. It is an easy procedure but has quite a few steps, especially to clean everything, and I had forgotten one of them.

Today is also a little sad for me. My friend Char, whom I work next to at Mayo, is retiring today. Char is such a cool person, and I will really miss her.

Also, Flordians. Do not tell me or even entertain the thoughts of telling me as you have already so kindly done, that there is a cold front coming through. Unless it drops below freezing, you are just not entitled to that sort of injustice. Sixty degrees is not a cold front. Honestly, and this is not an exaggeration. If it was sixty degrees here right now, everyone, (including me sad to say) would be outside, without hesitation, in their short sleeve shirts walking outside to work, taking a jog, sitting in the park for lunch. Sixty and "cold front" is hilariousness not seriousness.

And that's all I have to say about that.


Gabbs said...

Um, hi, I'm a Floridian and its technically NOT 60 degrees but 55 and I am going for a walk outside. I'm not afraid. Not sure about the short sleeves or not yet, but I will be out there, taking in the BEATIFUL weather. Which Floridian's are complaining? Let me have 'em!

Oh, and technically, yes its not that cold, but the fronts are either cold, warm, occluded or stationary. As a cold front progresses further south, it is weaker, but the front itself is still labeled cold. You can't change it and say its something else once it gets to Florida and its obviously not a warm front, stationary front, or an occluded front (when a cold front overtakes a warm front), so its a cold front. Its weather stuff. I love weather stuff. And there is your weather lesson for today, folks!

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing over here, Wendi! I was thinking of telling you about our "cold" front, but was sure if I did it would come across like I was rubbing it in your face. Which I don't want to do, so I will just keep quiet about our "cold" front as long as you explain to your fellow Polar Northians that they are not allowed to comment about their "heat" waves in the summer when it's already 98 degrees here with 90% humidity and likely will be for the remainder of the summer, and they comment about it being 88 for a week straight. Deal? :)


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Okay, first to Gabs.

It is 12:31. I checked the weather in Coconut Creek. 76. SEVENTY-SIX.

Secondly, I am sure you did go for a walk in a jacket.

Also, I am not saying I don't want to hear about a "cold" front. If it technically a "front" and it is cold that's fine. What I am saying is that when I woke up this morning it was 23.

Also, I do agree with you Joanna 100 million percent. I live in building with nearly all elderly folks. During the "summer" they start complaining about heat. One day, it was supposedly 102 and I went for a jog and people were like "are you crazy?" and I'm like "have you been to Florida." Right with you on that girl.