The entire group at Chik-fil-A on the trip. Love us some Jesus chicken!
Travis Chapman (far left) is the new youth minister at our church. His sons include Lucas (in glasses right behind him) and David (in green in the front. Isaac has become friends with both of these guys because they are renting our trailer in Mosheim while they await the building of their house. Isaac roomed with Lucas (who is nearly the exact same age as him) during the trip.
The Boys' youth group went away to Cleveland, TN for a four-night Youth Retreat. Sidge didn't wan to go this year, but Isaac was totally on-board. Isaac is technically 9th grade age, but we have him in 8th grade, so he really could choose between middle and high school as to which retreat he wanted to go to. He chose to go to the middle school retreat.
However, everything almost fell through when Abigail came down with COVID on Saturday morning. We decided to test Isaac on Monday morning, and when he was negative, we let him go to camp. If he hadn't have been able to go, he would have gone to the high school retreat instead which is the second week of July and would overlap with the "GUY TIME" coming to the farm. (I am taking the girls to Mississippi for two weeks, and John will be staying home with the boys.)
While Isaac was gone, John was on nights, so Abigail slept with me, and Hannah stole Isaac's bed. We said we weren't gonna tell him, but we did, and he took it okay because Hannah and Isaac have a very special relationship. Those two really get along, and I think he was fine with Hannah using his bed!

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