Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saying please

Add to our "done" list? Cleaning the carpets. Proved by this video.

But actually, I'm not putting up this video to show you how clean our carpets are now. I'm putting it up to show you Isaac doing the sign for "please." The sign is rubbing your belly, and he has just started doing it regularly. It is my hope that this belly rubbing will help him from having to cry to tell us he wants us something. He can just rub his belly instead!

The sign language book tells you in no uncertain terms not to ask your child to "perform" their signs. So I attempted to make it real world by offering him something he really wanted: the phone.

Take a look at that belly rub!

Also, I just read some great news on Becky's blog. If you haven't been over there check it out! They have five embryos growing. In addition, they were able to freeze some of Becky's eggs. This is something they wanted to attempt in my case as well, but were unable to accomplish. You can only attempt this in the case of a woman who has an excess number of eggs and is not desiring to fertilize them all. It is my hope that someday doctors are able to simply take eggs and freeze them in order to prevent the need for creating embryos that may go unused. This hasn't been done much since they haven't been able to achieve a very good thaw rate using eggs.

Please continue to pray for each of their little lives. Other than my own, I'm not sure I have ever quite wanted an IVF to work as badly as I want this for John and Becky. Let's flock Heaven with prayer for this couple and their embryos!


Anonymous said...

Hey Wendi,

I thought you might find this gadget sort of neat!

Anonymous said...

It is so awesome when they start signing. It was such a huge help for us. It prevented a lot of tantrums from both the boys and from mommy (daddy didn't learn all the signs).
