Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Eglin -- keep reading to discover cold, hard facts

Yesterday was a crazy day. My schedule was as follows:

8-9 Mayo
9-12 RLS
12-1:30 Interview for Wedding Magazine
1:30-4:00 Back to RLS
4:00-6:15 Worked on WM story (due Friday)
6:30-9:30 Went to Brandon and Kristen's for dinner (I'm sure she will soon have a pic of our evening on her own blog soon. Check it out!)

I'm also excited because to day is not only my niece Grace's fourth birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE! But it is also the c-section day for our friends Christo and Melissa. We plan to go see the baby sometime today so JB is waiting for the "call" that says baby has arrived, and we can go see sexless/nameless baby. We know if it is a boy, he will be Luke. If it is a girl, Christo and Melissa are arguing over a name -- an argument that I hope Melissa wins as I like her choice better.

In other news, I've been receiving a lot of questions about Eglin. So I thought I would put a few of those questions to rest.

This past week, JB turned in his Air Force match application. The reason I didn't tell you earlier? Well, we kinda had a few other things going on. (i.e., the whole embryo droppage into uterus thing).

To no one's great surprise, JB did list his choices as (drum roll Ronnie!):

1. Eglin Air Force Base, Florida
2. Civilian Deferrment (then we would hopefully match at Mayo Clinic)
3. Scott AFB, Southern Illinois
4. Travis AFB, California
5. Offut AFB, Nebraska

We now wait until December 15th to find out the military's choice for us. That is only three months away! Three months before we find out if we are staying in Minnesota for three years or moving to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida for three years.

If, in December, he finds out that he is not going to Eglin but is allowed to do a civilian match, JB would enter the civilian match in March and have to take a few civilian interviews, with the hope, of course, that he will end up at Mayo. We are pretty confident that he would end up at Mayo if he was given choice #2, but it is not guaranteed.

I, honestly, would be very happy with choice #1 or #2 for many different reasons.

#1 for family, weather, money, training for JB.

#2 for friends, good doctors here, my jobs - and it is Mayo!

I, honestly, would not be very happy with choice #3, but I'd get over it. I don't think I would cry as we would be a few hours from family in Chicago and a few hours from friends and family in Kentucky.

I, honestly, would cry slightly if given choice #4. By slightly, I would cry for at least one week. I would probably pout for at least a month.

I, honestly, would have to fight my way out of a depression if given choice #5. (Slight sarcasm implied but note that I only used the word slight). I would pout for well over a month.

Actually, the military does its darndest to get you one of your top two choices so we aren't too concerned about California. Originally, D.C. would have been our fourth choice, but they have eliminated the family medicine program there to open one outside of Vegas in a couple of years.

We will keep you posted on all of this. The next few weeks and months will have a lot of big news and events going on in our lives. I also plan to feature a special surprise next week: a series of guest bloggers! So stay tuned.

Keep checking this blog today as as soon as we get pictures of the newest Philip, we plan to post some on the blog. This is no Suri Cruise here!


Anonymous said...

Go Corn Huskers! Nebraska here you come....

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

May you live in south Florida for a thousand summers and sweat a thousand bullets.