Here, as promised, are the pictures of JB's meal last night:

Baba ganoush. This is put on pita bread. It is pretty good. At first, Bara said it was not sour enough. With a little more lemon, he said JB got it just right.

This is actually dessert. These are actually quite tasty but very strange. They honestly taste like dried cotton candy with pistachios in the middle. Or maybe flavored rope. These were a gift from Bara.

Sambusak. The ones with meat were excellent. The ones with cheese were just so-so. Bara said that these were not totally authentic due to the bread that was used to make the dough. However, JB was unable to recreate that part of the dish.

Tabouleh. This is a salad. Everyone liked it but me. I thought it tasted like I was eating parsley. Maybe that's because it has a lot of parsley in it. Bara said it was very authentic.

The main dish: Moroccan Lamb Stew with Basmati Rice. This was delicious!

Tara and Bara (there names are pronounced in rhyme-style!) helping us with the meal.
We are now off to see Pirates of the Caribbean with the Ray family. I'll update you tomorrow!
Helped you EAT the food was more like it. I am SO lucky to have friends like you to invite me to dine on amazing ethnic food. Wendi, while I did like the tabouleh, I do agree it was like eating a ton of what-is-supposed-to-be-a-garnish. :)
I love that you put a picture of "Tara and Bara" on the blog! I am really into things that rhyme. It's also 3:41AM, and I'm on call so maybe I'm just delirious. But I had to get my daily dose of Life in the Polar North! :)
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