The same gang, this time with the other parent taking the picture.

And little English swearing in.
For those of you who are relatively new to our life and to my blog, I should explain why the Rays are here in Minnesota and were also with us in Kentucky. The reason is simple: they are stalkers!
No, seriously, Ron & Ebby decided it was time to get a fresh start. Ronnie had just graduated from college and so when we said Rochester, they said "we're in." We didn't really believe it until we drove up in March of 2003 together and found a house with an attached apartment that we could all rent. While we have since bought a condo, we still see the Rays quite a bit, and they are a very special part of our Minnesota family.
In other news, yesterday, JB got off early and we watched World Cup Soccer while I worked from home on RLS stuff. I had a counseling appointment at 5:00, and at 6:30 I filled in for a co-worker who was out of town on her outdoor co-ed team. I have been really exercising quite a bit lately, and as a result, I played much better this time than I did previously. I would LOVE to get on a volleyball team regularly, however, with my siestas from exercise due to IVF stuff, I just can't commit. I found out Kristen Yuan was a high school volleyball player. She played "club" which always indicates the seriousness and talent of the individual so maybe she and I will be able to get a team together. I know Tara and Lesley would be great to have on board as well. Any other local females who have played high school volleyball out there? Let me know and get on our team which is still in a fictional state.
Afterwards, JB made dinner while I scrubbed all the dirt from the sand volleyball court off in the shower. We started watching Ushpizin, (which I so-far really like), but at the same time, I started to get a migraine, and with no medication to take, started to panic. What if I couldn't sleep all night? What if I couldn't work the next day because I couldn't sleep because I was in so much pain? What if my whining caused JB to drop to his knees in his own form of twisted pain? However, JB helped keep me calm. We prayed together, and he used some accupressure points to help relieve the pressure, and I went to bed while the pain wasn't too intense.
To my wonderful surprise, I woke up at 4 a.m. to use the restroom ... pain free! The migraine may have gotten worse but not bad enough to wake me up, and by the morning, it was gone. I was so relieved. So, so far, my migraines have been doing really well despite the fact that I am unable to take anything but my 4 Alleve a day.
It is now 5:30 on Thursday evening but like most holiday weeks, it never feels like the day it is. We are going to go for a long walk and just enjoy the evening together. Unfortunately, JB is off tomorrow while I have to work, and he is then on from 7 a.m. Saturday until Sunday afternoon while I do not have to work.
Kristen, if you read this, can I go to church with you guys on Sunday at 10:30? I would ask Lesley if I could come over for dinner on Saturday evening, but I already did that via email and she said I could. (I'm not shy!) Lesley also let me borrow a basketball movie: Glory Road, so I have that to fill my time as well.
Okay, off for my run!
A "stalker" is someone who follows someone around. For instance, a movie star may have a "stalker" -- someone who sends anonymous letters or follows them around with binoculars. Usually, stalkers are men who follow women but women can be stalkers as well.
So it was kind of a joke. I was saying they followed us to watch us and "keep an eye" on us, but they aren't really stalkeres. That was just a joke.
And I have NO idea what is wrong with Cole. Just being a crazy little kid.
Oh and my students called me "Coach K" because I was also a coach. Other teachers they call Mr. or Mrs. Smith etc., but I was always Coach K. The first coach I worked in Kentucky called me this and it stuck. I liked it!
Of course you can come to church with us...we would be delighted! Is 10:30 okay on Sunday or would you prefer 9? I am sorry, but I don't know where your pants are either!
Here is a little lesson about my children. They are all extremely silly and dorky. Cole likes to make his eyes big and "Bug" looking. A little girl in his class at school would scream when he did this therefore he does it all the time now...especially in pictures. I try to make him stop, but can't always catch him doing it.
I see that no one caught the goofy smile on Hutner's face. I don't know what he was doing.
See they are all big goofy kids. Must take after their father because I would never do anything like that. Never!
Ebby Ray
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