We had a very nice Fourth of July. For the second year in a row, my Dad was with us. We watched Italy beat Germany in the World Cup and then a bunch of us got together over at Ron & Ebby's to cookout. We actually RACED to the Ray's house between the end of regulation and extra time (over time as they call it in America). However, I was so mad, because the moment I chose to go use the restroom, Italy scored. Go figure.
In the evening, some of us went and sat by the river to watch fireworks. Brandon & Kristen brought sparklers, and as I attempted to "play" with a sparkler, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. John grabbed that stick and started whipping it around (so hard that the head of it flew off into the weeds). I, on the other hand, was quite terrified and didn't really think that whipping around hot ash was fun. My dad said that I played with a sparkler when I was a very little girl. He said that he remembers this clearly. So, I suppose I should believe him even though I have no recollection of playing with fireworks -- ever. We also played with these "popping" fireworks. I wasn't half-bad at these. Kristen, on the other hand, wasn't quite as gifted. (Sorry Kristen, but this blog is pure honesty.)
Speaking of my father, when we went to see Superman, he got into the movies for two dollars less than I did because the woman gave him a senior citizen price! She didn't even ASK how old he was. She just charged him two dollars less. This didn't appear to bother my dad (but not much does), however, if my father is a senior citizen, that affects me as well. It means that I am aging! I don't drink often, but if I do, I am never carded. I am so past 21, and my only comfort is that the rest of civilization is aging at the exact same speed.
My Dad, actually, left today. He is driving to Chicago, staying a night, and then heading on to Niagra Falls, where my Mother plans to fly into (she won't actually fly into the Falls of course, but they plan to stay at a bed and breakfast by the Falls). He is very excited to see my Mom. He has now been away from home for four weeks.
My Father is, honestly, absolutely, without a doubt, the easiest guest to have in our house. This is not designed to offend anyone else who has come to visit us, but my dad requires NO effort. One morning I asked him if he wanted to go to breakfast, and he said, "No, I have plans."
Plans? Doing what? He doesn't know anyone else here. I ask him what his plans are, and he simply said, "just bumming."
One day he told me he sat on a swing. Another day he went to the mall. Another afternoon he ordered quesadillas at Applebees. He even joined in on a softball game in the park to help out a team that was short a man. However, sometimes, he doesn't tell us what he does. I ask, and he just says, "bumming."
If I, for a moment, begin to try to "plan" events, my Father immediately tells me that he doesn't need anything planned on his account. He has his computer and his TV and his car, and that's all he needs. He is a simpleton in its purest form.
Even though I am 29, I still miss my Dad when he leaves, and I couldn't help but get a bit teary. It will be weird not having him in the house to play Tetris and Scrabble against. I probably won't see him until Christmas, and I wish I could see him more often.
Okay, no more sentimental stuff. Here are some pictures from the cookout. If you click on the "Brandon & Kristen" link on the right, she should be updating soon with pictures as well. From there, you can link to "Nik & Cassie" who should also have pictures up.
Also, thanks for the migraine prayers. I am doing great. I am also going to play volleyball tonight as a sub for our office manager who is on vacation this afternoon which should be fun. I think JB may go with me.
In the evening, some of us went and sat by the river to watch fireworks. Brandon & Kristen brought sparklers, and as I attempted to "play" with a sparkler, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. John grabbed that stick and started whipping it around (so hard that the head of it flew off into the weeds). I, on the other hand, was quite terrified and didn't really think that whipping around hot ash was fun. My dad said that I played with a sparkler when I was a very little girl. He said that he remembers this clearly. So, I suppose I should believe him even though I have no recollection of playing with fireworks -- ever. We also played with these "popping" fireworks. I wasn't half-bad at these. Kristen, on the other hand, wasn't quite as gifted. (Sorry Kristen, but this blog is pure honesty.)
Speaking of my father, when we went to see Superman, he got into the movies for two dollars less than I did because the woman gave him a senior citizen price! She didn't even ASK how old he was. She just charged him two dollars less. This didn't appear to bother my dad (but not much does), however, if my father is a senior citizen, that affects me as well. It means that I am aging! I don't drink often, but if I do, I am never carded. I am so past 21, and my only comfort is that the rest of civilization is aging at the exact same speed.
My Dad, actually, left today. He is driving to Chicago, staying a night, and then heading on to Niagra Falls, where my Mother plans to fly into (she won't actually fly into the Falls of course, but they plan to stay at a bed and breakfast by the Falls). He is very excited to see my Mom. He has now been away from home for four weeks.
My Father is, honestly, absolutely, without a doubt, the easiest guest to have in our house. This is not designed to offend anyone else who has come to visit us, but my dad requires NO effort. One morning I asked him if he wanted to go to breakfast, and he said, "No, I have plans."
Plans? Doing what? He doesn't know anyone else here. I ask him what his plans are, and he simply said, "just bumming."
One day he told me he sat on a swing. Another day he went to the mall. Another afternoon he ordered quesadillas at Applebees. He even joined in on a softball game in the park to help out a team that was short a man. However, sometimes, he doesn't tell us what he does. I ask, and he just says, "bumming."
If I, for a moment, begin to try to "plan" events, my Father immediately tells me that he doesn't need anything planned on his account. He has his computer and his TV and his car, and that's all he needs. He is a simpleton in its purest form.
Even though I am 29, I still miss my Dad when he leaves, and I couldn't help but get a bit teary. It will be weird not having him in the house to play Tetris and Scrabble against. I probably won't see him until Christmas, and I wish I could see him more often.
Okay, no more sentimental stuff. Here are some pictures from the cookout. If you click on the "Brandon & Kristen" link on the right, she should be updating soon with pictures as well. From there, you can link to "Nik & Cassie" who should also have pictures up.
Also, thanks for the migraine prayers. I am doing great. I am also going to play volleyball tonight as a sub for our office manager who is on vacation this afternoon which should be fun. I think JB may go with me.
Karuna goes hunting (that's the head of flamingo -- speaking of that, what do Ron & Ebby have a flamingo in their backyard for?)
From left: Christo, Dave, Lesley, Tara, and Brandon
Ingrid (and Inessa), Kristen, and JB

Hmm... no mention of fireworks and a certain "tree," huh? :)
Okay, okay. I will tell you. Veronica was RIGHT. We picked a spot to watch fireworks. Veronica told me there was a tree in the way. I told her it wouldn't be in the way. It was, and we had to move after the show started. There, it's over.
Falmingos were left over from English's graduation party. She really likes Flamingos
Ebby Ray
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