Saturday, May 07, 2016


Today he turns eight. Eight. How in the world can he be eight? I can't fathom that our oldest little man is eight today. As he turns eight, here are descriptors of this young man:
  • Obsessed with geography. Incredibly talented. Knows every flag of every country in the entire world. Can place any country on a blank map of the world. Knows all state capitals and can place them where they go within the state. That sort of thing.
  • Seems to also like math. Already multiplying and dividing and telling time simply because he wanted to learn.
  • Playing piano and seeming to really enjoy it. Will practice on his own all the time
  • Very interested in amusement parks (chiefly Dollywood right now). Reads the guides and remembers the details and discusses them regularly.
  • Also interested in history. Is learning the Presidents. I think this goes with his love of geography.
  • Very good at organizing and classifying. 
  • Currently has a rock collection and enjoys discussing birds he has seen with JB. 
  • Loves to play games. Right now he is very into chess. He beats me regularly and is coming very close to beating JB. 
  • Not very interested in school work, but he has worked very hard to stop complaining about it. While he isn't interested in it, he is good at almost anything he does.
  • Still very into Lego. It was all he wanted for his birthday.
Words we would use to describe Isaac:
  • Loyal
  • Determined
  • Competitive
  • Quiet
  • Introspective
  • Observant
  • Calm
  • Caring
  • Sweet
  • Mild-mannered
This child melts my heart with his sweet ways. Because his words are few and his emotions not shared with just anyone, when he gives you a hug or a kiss or tells you he loves your or shares something deep, you listen closely and are very affected by it. He has made us so happy, and we are so honored to have him as our son.

In addition, we cannot let May 7 pass by without wishing his birthmom, Bri, a happy birthday as well. Yes, they share a birthday! WE LOVE YOU BRI!

And here is a look back at our little boy as he has grown up:


Bri said...

Love you Isaac

TAV said...

Happy birthday, Isaac!

Hairball said...

How wonderful! I bet Grandma Joan loves that he likes to play piano! Soon they'll be playing duets. :)
