My husband posted what follows as his Facebook status. I found it so incredibly well done (no surrpise if you know JB) and well said, that I wanted to share it again. What is especially interesting is that five years ago, JB was quite "into" politics ... but his heart has changed. Now He sees that he can't put his faith in a man. We can only put our faith in God. Read on for, in my opinion, a bit of fresh air!
I rarely make political comments. This is primarily due to my utter frustration with the uneducated masses who respond to what I say. However, I can’t help myself today. There have been so many ridiculous posts and comments made on Facebook and on blogs that I think I’ll add my voice to the maddening crowd. We are still months away from the election and I am already tired of the propaganda. At least I am currently living overseas and don’t have to see all the ads on television, not that I really watch it anyway.
I’ll start with the Chick-Fil-A thing. This is a free speech issue. Nothing more. There was no hate crime, no discrimination. Shame on those Christians who made this about homosexual marriage. Was there really a reason for another wedge to be driven between the church and those we are supposed to be reaching out to? Shame on the GLBT community and those that support them. How long have you been harassed for merely speaking your opinion? How can you promote free speech for yourselves and not support it for others, even when they don’t agree with you? That is the whole point of free speech!
Now, as for Romney vs. Obama. I don’t care. Really. They are two sides of the same coin. Both will lead this country further down the wrong path. I think one will do it faster than the other, but they are both modern-day American politicians. It is what they do. The national debt has increased with every president since I have been alive. Government has gotten larger and more intrusive. It doesn’t matter if the Commander in Chief is a Republican or Democrat. Our current politicians have only a few things truly in store for us: more debt, larger government, and less personal liberty.
They are good at one thing… not coming through on any of their promises. Obama promised so much change, but he has only given more of the same. Bush said no new taxes, and yet they came. You can give all the reasons you want, but it doesn’t change the facts. It doesn’t even matter if they have a super-majority in Congress. As soon as the possibility becomes real to make a significant change in reducing debt, minimizing government, creating more transparency in government, getting rid of Gitmo, or whatever it was they promised, a hundred reasons pop up to stop it that are “beyond their control”. How convenient.
So I don’t care who is running, because it isn’t going to be drastically different. The talking heads want you to think it is a matter of eternal life and death, a matter of morality, but it is not. They want you to develop adoring love for one and viscerally hate the other. Are you there yet? If you are, please question it.
In reality, both of these candidates are flip-floppers depending on the political climate. You can’t trust either of them. People say we need to elect Romney so that we get conservative judges. What good does that do? Obamacare was just saved in the Supreme Court by a conservative judge. How effective was that strategy? No modern candidate is going to block homosexual marriage. They can’t and they shouldn’t. That is a States’ Rights issue. It should not be infringed upon by the federal government. But do you really think a modern candidate is going to reverse Roe v. Wade or legalize drugs or whatever your pet passion is?
Our government is in the process of going bankrupt. We have cities across the country filling bankruptcy now. Our local and national government does not have money. Let me say that again so we really understand it. Our local and national government does not have money. They are overloaded with debt and they have no plan to fix it. No plan to change what got us here in the first place. Other countries, including our allies, are starting to decouple from the U.S. Dollar. We are going downhill fast, and the media wants us to focus on which candidate is going to give which group of people a higher tax rate. My friends, we are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and they want us to fight about the arrangement.
And the rest of the world is not doing much better. In some places it is even worse. Heck, I just had clothes and dog food stolen from my yard here in Portugal. This was a crime of need, not for drug money or a teenage prank. Looking at some other country as a shining example of what America should be is just not making sense, it never did, and it certainly does not now.
But there is hope. Unfortunately, real change is not going to be painless, but I don’t think we have a choice.
Get involved in your community. Get to know your neighbors. Understand where your food comes from, and get to know your local farmers. Unplug the television. Plant a garden. Take responsibility for your actions and expect the same in your children. Get out of debt. Stay out of debt. Get healthy. Invest in things that last. Invest time in your children. Understand local politics, vote in their elections, and consider getting involved.
I’m going home to spend some time in the garden with my kids.
I’ll start with the Chick-Fil-A thing. This is a free speech issue. Nothing more. There was no hate crime, no discrimination. Shame on those Christians who made this about homosexual marriage. Was there really a reason for another wedge to be driven between the church and those we are supposed to be reaching out to? Shame on the GLBT community and those that support them. How long have you been harassed for merely speaking your opinion? How can you promote free speech for yourselves and not support it for others, even when they don’t agree with you? That is the whole point of free speech!
Now, as for Romney vs. Obama. I don’t care. Really. They are two sides of the same coin. Both will lead this country further down the wrong path. I think one will do it faster than the other, but they are both modern-day American politicians. It is what they do. The national debt has increased with every president since I have been alive. Government has gotten larger and more intrusive. It doesn’t matter if the Commander in Chief is a Republican or Democrat. Our current politicians have only a few things truly in store for us: more debt, larger government, and less personal liberty.
They are good at one thing… not coming through on any of their promises. Obama promised so much change, but he has only given more of the same. Bush said no new taxes, and yet they came. You can give all the reasons you want, but it doesn’t change the facts. It doesn’t even matter if they have a super-majority in Congress. As soon as the possibility becomes real to make a significant change in reducing debt, minimizing government, creating more transparency in government, getting rid of Gitmo, or whatever it was they promised, a hundred reasons pop up to stop it that are “beyond their control”. How convenient.
So I don’t care who is running, because it isn’t going to be drastically different. The talking heads want you to think it is a matter of eternal life and death, a matter of morality, but it is not. They want you to develop adoring love for one and viscerally hate the other. Are you there yet? If you are, please question it.
In reality, both of these candidates are flip-floppers depending on the political climate. You can’t trust either of them. People say we need to elect Romney so that we get conservative judges. What good does that do? Obamacare was just saved in the Supreme Court by a conservative judge. How effective was that strategy? No modern candidate is going to block homosexual marriage. They can’t and they shouldn’t. That is a States’ Rights issue. It should not be infringed upon by the federal government. But do you really think a modern candidate is going to reverse Roe v. Wade or legalize drugs or whatever your pet passion is?
Our government is in the process of going bankrupt. We have cities across the country filling bankruptcy now. Our local and national government does not have money. Let me say that again so we really understand it. Our local and national government does not have money. They are overloaded with debt and they have no plan to fix it. No plan to change what got us here in the first place. Other countries, including our allies, are starting to decouple from the U.S. Dollar. We are going downhill fast, and the media wants us to focus on which candidate is going to give which group of people a higher tax rate. My friends, we are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and they want us to fight about the arrangement.
And the rest of the world is not doing much better. In some places it is even worse. Heck, I just had clothes and dog food stolen from my yard here in Portugal. This was a crime of need, not for drug money or a teenage prank. Looking at some other country as a shining example of what America should be is just not making sense, it never did, and it certainly does not now.
But there is hope. Unfortunately, real change is not going to be painless, but I don’t think we have a choice.
Get involved in your community. Get to know your neighbors. Understand where your food comes from, and get to know your local farmers. Unplug the television. Plant a garden. Take responsibility for your actions and expect the same in your children. Get out of debt. Stay out of debt. Get healthy. Invest in things that last. Invest time in your children. Understand local politics, vote in their elections, and consider getting involved.
I’m going home to spend some time in the garden with my kids.
Fantastic post, son...I only have one thing to comment, Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people He has chosen for His inheritance.
Well said and I completely agree just couldn't write it down on paper like this! Thank you! A friend in East Texas, Pam!
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