Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lotsa good news (and one bit a bad)

Good news is the name of the game here right now folks.

Good News #1: Our van is in Turkey!!!!!!!!!! We feel so limited with our tiny little car with sort-of air conditioning that we are renting. We can't put anyone else in our car unless they squeeze between the two car seats. (Which I have found is possible if you can lean one way while turned another.) We can't wait to see our van. We are hopeful that we will get it in the next three weeks. (We still have a lot of steps we have to go through before it reaches us, but we are closer.) Please pray it gets here in time for my mom and Joni's visit in a few weeks.

Good News #2: I found our digital camera (it's our old small one but the only one that can take video of the boys to send back home.) I had left it at Isaac's gymnastics class!

Good News #3: Thank to an anonymous tipster, I have found a site that I can get coupons for organic milk. Check it out here. Now the only issue, is that I can only get two coupons from my computer. But I plan to ask around and see who else can send them to me. Please use these if you use organic milk. Also, I would not ask people to send me only these coupons because the amount of money it would cost to send them would equal what I would save. But if you have the ability to get to multiple printers and print a bunch or if you are already going to be sending me something else, please include these coupons (if you won't use them). The item that we would want is in the top left corner (Save $1.00 on two half gallons.) Thanks!

Good News #4: I have decided to wear the purple dress to the ball. I am not sure this qualifies as a good news bit, but I thought I would share it nonetheless. Black was in a fairly close running for awhile, but purple clearly got the win.

Good News #5:
We are going to Germany next week. Long story short, JB thought we were going somewhere with work, but it fell through. So he had no patients booked. We found out that we can take the military flight from here to Germany for FREE! No joke. So we are headed out on a one week vacation. Even better is that our friends Shane and Linda have volunteered to stay at our house and watch the Scrubinator! Way cool.

Bad News: Elijah is pretty stinkin'-sick. Last night we met some mutual friends of Tristan and Shannon: Mike and Ginger for dinner in the Alley. They live in Adana and are Americans! Very cool. Elijah was miserable though. And for good reasons. Who wants to eat hot food in the heat when you have a fever of 103. Our night was long and he is now laying on the couch watching Cars. Poor little guy.


Melissia said...

If you will come up with a list of food items you use on a regular basis, staples that you buy every week, then I would be happy to down them and send them to you as I find them on the web. I do this for myself on a weekly basis before I shop (well all except the sending part!). I also advise signing up at websites of those products that you use and they will send the coupons directly to you.

Anonymous said...

can you have people print the coupons to pdf then email them to you to print?

TAV said...

Germany!!!! awesome!!!!