Monday, September 13, 2010

Büyük Muz (Big bananas)

Bananas (muz) are one of our more expensive purchases at the Market. Have you ever seen a banana tree? They don't produce a plethora of bananas. I figure this is why they cost about three times as much as many of the other fruits and vegetables we buy. Eiher way, since Elijah likes to eat about three of them a day, we always buy a lot. This time, we found some very large muz at the market. In fact one of them was even a siamese banana. I was impressed and tried to brag about it to the woman standing beside me at the booth. She didn't seem to care. I guess it wasn't quite as impressive a finding as I thought.

You can see the double banana on the far right.

The boys enjoyed sharing the double banana with each other.

The picture below was before we went to church last night. I have my hair down and my contacts in. Who knows my, but I am finally having more success being able to wear my contacts. I wore them all the time in Kentucky (12-16 hours a day), but when I started my infertility treatments in Minnesota, my eyes got so dry and blood shot and it was even worse anytime I wore my contacts. Minnesota and Eglin produced very few contact days. But I've been having more success here.

Anyways, that is beside the point. The fact that I have my hair down and glasses off must mean I look very different. Our neighbor Ivy who is about eleven and likes to play Frisbee with Scrubs and bring him her leftover bones from her dinner told me: "You don't look the same," when she saw me. :)

Anyways, I took my different look to church on Sunday evening. Since Elijah was still seeming a bit on the crabby side, John decided to stay home with him. Isaac and I went to church together. I decided to try him in the 2-4 year old class. It didn't go well at all. He did fine during the first fifteen minutes of service while he was in the sanctuary with me. But when I brought him to his "new" class (which I had discussed with him at length and he seemed very excited about) he absolutely lost it. He was a lot younger than the other kiddos, and I just think he needs more time before he leaves the "nursery." The teacher was wonderful and tried to work with him, but she told me that he was beyond normal crying. That it was hysterics and I needed to get him out.

However, when I brought him back to his nursery class, he cried, screamed actually, for the next thirty minutes. I did leave him there after assuring him that I would be back. Gut wrenching.
It was hard enough with one kiddo screaming. I have no idea what will happen on Wednesday if they are both screaming. If you think of it, please pray for my boys to have peace with me leaving them. And please pray that I am able to leave them peacefully.

Oh and speaking of church, I can't believe I forgot to write on the blog that JB (and me) cooked a fajita dinner for about 100 people at Bible Study last Wednesday. JB was amazing. I don't know how he brought it altogether. But it went well and seemed to be a smashing success.


Joy Z said...

I think the double banana is so cool! Way cooler than the double egg yolk.

Dawn Hudson said...

We have a banana tree in our back yard, or several of them. Once they produce bananas they are no good anymore. They produce just once and new trees grow up. I have a big cluster of them. To bad I couldn't send you some of those.

Anonymous said...

That banana was weird. I would almost be afraid to eat it.
Regarding contacts, an FYI, Madeline struggles with dry eyes too. They just recently came out with new contacts called, "Aqua Mist". She seems to do well with these.

PS You do look gorgeous with your hair down/curly/contacts/makeup. :D


TAV said...

LOVE THE BANANAS! (and your hair) :)