Friday, July 11, 2008

China update

People with Log-in-dates through January 25, 2006 have had their daughters placed in their arms. The last group that America World placed were pretty young (7-9.5 months). As a reminder, JB and I logged in on April 17, 2008. Things are moving pretty slowly. With our new news, we are even in less of a hurry than we were when we got Isaac. We trust that our daughter (whom we have already picked out a name for!) will join our family at just the right time.

P.S. We went to a new restaurant last night for our "book club" evening. Visit Joia's blog for pictures. While the ladies were out, Matt took William over to our house so the guys could hang together. Tiffany has started a new blog and she has some photos from the evening including William deciding that Scrubs' kennel was a good home for him. Scrubs wasn't so sure about this idea!

P.S.S. I have my ultrasound at 10am this morning and then Isaac's two month appointment at 3:30pm. Please pray for my bladder. I am supposed to drink 32 oz of water 1 hour before getting there. I am really not sure that this is possible. Last night, without drinking anything an hour before bed, I woke up, a minimum of twelve times to use the bathroom. (This is not an exageration.) I have no idea how I will go two hours with 32 oz in me. I have done ultrasounds with full bladders before but only when I was catheterized and couldn't control the intake. This will be a new experience.


Anonymous said...

A tip for your u/s. DO NOT drink that much water that far ahead of your u/s. Trust me! You could try half that amount 30 min before your u/s and even then you might be floating. If you just sip on water all morning long and then not use the bathroom a half hour before your appt. you should be good. I was never instructed to drink that much water ahead of time and I had many, many u/s because of the twins.

Can't wait to hear about your u/s and Isaac's appt.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you and all that fluid intake! =)

Aimee said...

I have to laugh at this not because you are peeing so often, but the fact that I had a similar experience. Nine months ago I had my gastric bypass surgery. Six months ago, I went in for a CT scan cause they though I either had gall stones or a perforated bowel. They wanted me to drink 16 ounces of contrast prior to the CT, plus they were going to inject me via IV once in there. At first, I didn't think anything of it, but one sip in, I was like, this stuff is nasty! And then I remembered, I drink eight ounces over a one hour time frame, MAXIMUM. HA! So I go up to the desk and explain it to them that there is no possible way I can do this cause my "stomach" only holds one to two ounces at a time. They kinda looked at me like I was crazy, but I made them page the doctor and then they got it! Doh! Scan worked just fine without the extra contrast by the way.

A full bladder is NOT required, just helpful, so do whatever you can manage!

Sam said...

I know I sent you an email forever ago, and you were so sweet to respond quickly, and I have yet to re-respond! Thus is life with a busy toddler, I suppose, but I do plan on getting back to you! :) In the meantime, I want to wish you and your beautiful family a HUGE congrats!! I instantly started crying I was so happy for you when I read the news! My husband thought something was wrong...then I had to explain that I was just really happy for someone I had never actually met...but anyway. CONGRATULATIONS!! You are all in my prayers!!