Friday, December 07, 2007


Our immigration paperwork was . . . returned!


Apparently the Homeland Security Immigration fees went up, and we didn't know this. They rose from $545 to $670. (Does that rival the cost of your Boards Tara?) The fingerprinting also went up $10 a person -- from $70 each to $80.

We also need a bank check and not a personal check.

Grrrrr . . .

JB and I have always seen ourselves adopting many children. We specifically saw ourselves adopting internationally many times.

But I must admit that this morning, for the first time, I found myself telling JB that one international adoption may be all that I have the patience (and money!) to endure. Originally, I had wanted to look to Ethiopia next due to the fact that the children there are about two weeks old when they go home. But now they we will most likely have the opportunity to parent a newborn (in May!), I told JB that maybe, after China, if we want to adopt again, we look to children in the U.S. that are "unadoptable" due to age (older children have a hard time getting adopted) or physical handical (another adoption prohibitor.)

I was warned repeatedly how difficult international adoption is, and I just feel that each step is so exhausting. Oh it also cost me $15 to send that package certified mail only to have to send it again.

I'll try to get this out today . . . again


AW said...

This is exactly why when some of my fertile girlfriends made comments like, "Adoption? Boy you are getting the easy route." I felt like saying, "You have no idea what it takes to go through 2 years of waiting, cash, and piles of paperwork to get your child."

My pregnancy with Jon was hard. But I know it was nothing compared to what we'll go through with our China adoption when it resumes!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Thanks Funky! I knew I could count on you to understand. I think if any parent had to go through the home study process, we'd end up with the extinction of the human race!!!