Friday, August 29, 2014

Tamron Hall on Jennifer Aniston: We don't need to have kids to care

I saw this article on Today and definitely wanted to take the opportunity to reference it. I have been very outspoken in the past that I feel our society alienates women who don't fit into the "normal" mold. If you are single too long or don't have kids quick enough, you are somehow seen as "not a woman." 

Obviously this really hit home for me because of the fact that I was married for ten years before I had children. I definitely felt myself being left out.

Jennifer Aniston told Carson: “I don’t have this checklist of things that have to be done and if I’ve not checked them, then I’ve failed some part of my feminism or my being a woman or my worth or value as a woman because I haven’t birthed a child."

And Tamron Hall echoed her feelings. "But it is alienating sometimes, as a single person that people assume something’s wrong or that you don’t like kids, or don’t want kids. Or more importantly, that you’re not a woman or a sensitive human being."

Take the time to read this piece. But even more importantly, take the time to remember that those single women in our lives or those married women without kids are still people -- and there feelings, values, and self-worth are no different than anyone else's.

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