Don't get me wrong folks. I love Scrubs. And I have loved having him as my dog. But JB and I have just decided that from now on, we are going to keep the pets outside of the house.
At least that is our plan. I'm sure there's a kid who has the power to talk us out of that.
Anyways ...
This morning I woke up and came downstairs. Like I do every morning. Since there is always a kid up by 5:30am, my body has started waking me up nearly every morning at 5am. I used to fight it, but I have recently come to embrace it. Getting up 30 minutes before the kiddos is really nice to give me a little time with the Lord, my email, myself, and ...
dog vomit.
Not one pile of dog vomit but PILE after PILE of dog vomit.
I turned on all the lights and walked the rest of the kitchen and foyer and living room to see if I could find anymore. I could not. So I spent the next half hour tackling the seven piles I found.
Yes they were on the off-white rug we have prohibited our children from eating or drinking on to keep our landlord's carpet nice.
Just as I finished the last pile of vomit -- scooping and blotting and scrubbing and spraying and wetting and repeating -- Scrubs started scratching at the sliding glass door to go outside. I walked over to let him out and stepped right smack onto ANOTHER pile of dog vomit that had been hidden by the pattern rug.
Really fuming by this point, I bent over to begin scrubbing it and put my hand in another pile.
I really can't make this stuff up.
NINE PILES OF DOG VOMIT before 5:30am is more than any mom should have to wake up to.
Is he okay? I feel your pain about all the puke, but is Scrubs ok?
The worst!
Marlene, I should have included the source of the vomit. Hubby gave him two big bones last night from something he was smoking. That was all that was in the throw up so we were pretty sure it was what he ate and today he is totally back to himself.
He is kind of just a pukey dog to be honest! :)
That's too bad; poor Scrubby! When I saw your pic I was thinking you had gotten another Dalmatian:). Pukers are not fun dogs, but if John gave him too many bones, it was kinda to be expected. Domino's 12 now and having mobility issues. If you did get another dog after Scrubby, would you consider another Dalmatian or would you go with another breed?
Honestly, I love the Dals but I think I'd probably try to just get a dog that needs a home, whatever breed. What about you Dorothy?
Either way, I think we'll get a farm dog but not a house dog!
Famous last words...I said that. I now have 4 indoor dogs as outdoor dogs in interior Alaska don't work.
I also had a "pukey dog". The vet said that dogs really shouldn't be puking hardly at all and that a food allergy was likely to blame (although he did have some dry spots on his skin, which are also a symptom of an allergy). Maybe that is something to watch out for? The vet said that dogs often go many years without allergies and then develop them.
Sorry for the double comment, but I also wanted to add that many vets recommend against bones (although the dried ones are apparently worse than the fresh ones). Bones can splinter, they can be hard on the teeth, etc. The main benefit is that they help clean teeth, but the costs apparently outweigh the benefits and you can achieve clean teeth through other means (i.e. brushing, certain toys, certain kinds of treats). I used to give my dogs bones all the time too before I found this out at a session my vet did for his patients on oral health.
Poor little Scrubs! Maybe Hubby shouldn't be giving him bones that will make him vomit....and then you can get another indoor dog! ;-) I have three I feel your pain but I don't give them bones that make them puke. By the way, Hydogen peroxide works GREAT cleaning that up.
And yes, we know better than to give bones but he just loves them so much!
We're not sure yet, but I've always wanted a wiemeriner. Hannah and Haylee say they're too hyper. A friend of ours has a vizsla and comparing the two the vizsla is a little smaller and seems to have a much better temperament. I sure miss my running buddy, but we'll probably wait a bit before getting another dog. But I'm with you; if we're able to find a rescue dog that has a good temperament and isn't a long hair or big shedder, we'll probably get it.
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