Friday, September 09, 2011


In attempting to open my own door of communication in regards to Post-partum depression, I thought I would start by just outlining how I have been feeling in a more general context. This is hard for me to talk about, but I have been encouraged by many of you and do feel that me sharing will allow other people to be aware of this condition.
One of the things I most struggle with is anyone perceiving how I am feeling to a lack of gratitude for the miracle of my daughter's birth (or my other children.) I know these things are not related but I don't want anyone to even contemplate them being intertwined.
I have learned a lot about post-partum sadness in the weeks since Abigail was born. I did fight some post-partum depression with Elijah but it was much further out (six months) and was much more on the anxiety end of the spectrum. This time, depression has been a much bigger factor and anxiety more of a secondary characteristic. 
I have learned that sadness in the immediate two weeks after baby is born is referred to as "Baby blues." This does not last long and passes as soon as it comes in. I had all of the symptoms (taken from Mayo Clinic's website) below:
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Crying
  • Decreased concentration
  • Trouble sleeping 
As I left Germany, I felt the baby blues departing, and I thought I was on the mend. However, while I did feel initially better, since the blues had passed, I felt myself slowly going down again as I settled into life here in Turkey. With the baby blues, my primary issue was just crying. But with the post-partum, the symptoms were greater and weren't going away. Some of the symptoms are listed below. (The ones that most effected me are in bold.)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia 
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Overwhelming fatigue
  • Lack of joy in life
  • Feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Severe mood swing
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or the baby

You don't have to see a doctor for the baby blues. However, in my case, it became obvious that I had left one thing (blues) and entered another (depression). If these symptoms are occurring, you need to see your doctor. (The ones in bold effected me.)
  • Don't fade after two weeks
  • Are getting worse
  • Make it hard for you to care for your baby
  • Make it hard to complete everyday tasks
  • Include thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
Personally, I was/am most dealing with:

  • The inability to make decisions
  • Worry that something would happen to my children
  • Sadness that my children were growing up too fast
  • Feeling overwhelmed by meaningless tasks
  • Lack of pleasure in things that normally brought me joy
  • Easily frustrated or irritated
  • Guilt about time for each child
  • Worry that people would misunderstand my feelings
  • Feeling like life isn't worth living
  • Feeling that life was too sad to bother with
  • Discomfort with social situations
I plan to write more in the future but wanted to start with this overview. I am feeling better already after starting medication and am hopeful that this trend will continue.


Joy Z said...

I love you Wendi! As I've said before, your writing is such a gift. You have an incredible ability to communicate. I look forward to hearing on this subject. I have no doubt that God is going to use your talents that he gave you to encourage people in this area as well. I want you to know that I've been praying for you faithfully.

Kelly said...

Thank you for sharing this, Wendi. I am thinking of you and praying that you begin to feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

How brave and loving of you to share this and prayers Tante Jan

Anonymous said...

While I read of your journey, Wendi, I can't help but think your theme to our Lord is "Make me an instrument". That is exactly how God is using you in all you go through, all the while taking us all with you. I know it can't be easy sharing with all of us (known and unknown to you personally). What I do know is that while He is healing you, you are passing that healing on as He has asked of you. When we say, "use me Lord", we open ourselves to His scapel (or paint brush). Your putting yourself out there on His canvas for all who read you is incredibly brave and a huge blessing! I applaud you for seeking the help available to you! I am grateful that as you & JB have chosen to serve our country by being in Turkey that there are those who love you & can support you there when you are so very far away from your family & friends in the states! Thank you, God, for taking such good care of Wendi and her family! You are always in my prayers! Lynda

hil said...

Just a seldom de-lurker here. I've been praying (not a regular thing for me), and am glad you are feeling a bit better. When you asked for scriptures, I didn't have any thing different to add but I remembered a moment in my life.

I was on call in the ICU. One of my patents was dying but alert. I sat by her bed and asked if I could read to her. I wanted to read Good Housekeeping but she asked for Psalms. Of course shed have to pick the Bible, I thought. Just told me to pick them at random. So I did. I watched her relax and fall asleep. Since then, the random reading of Psalms has been a wonderous thing to me still in the times when I'm not sure what to do.

TAV said...

you are so brave, wendi. thinking of you.

Faith said...

Hang in there, momma. You are very brave and very strong.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are turning the corner and improving. Praying for continued healing.

Anonymous said...

I cried reading what Hil wrote...i love these women who share together in community from miles apart...As a cancer patient this summer i feel i lived in the Psalms --and I will never forget two of my nurses --one who held my hand when i asked her too...the other who out of the clear blue as i came out from surgery said, "The Lord bless you and keep you and heal you"...what a blessing you, Hil were to that patient as she was letting go of life here! "Then you will call on me, and come and pray to me. You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart" is a verse I memorized during my time from the book of jeremiah...I'm praying too wendi for rest, rest, rest and restoration of your body --your body has been through aLOT these last years -and YOu have been thru sooo much change, welcomes, goodbyes and childbirth -I love being your auntie!
Tante Jan