Becky got this picture of a typical Turkish breakfast. Not something we're quite accustomed to in the USA. Funny little story. A Turkish woman who worked at the hotel told Rana (in Turkish) that she planned to start eating Corn Flakes and Coco Puffs (the two things hotels put out to appease Americans at their buffets). She said she was going to start eating these cereals to lose weight. As Rana translated, we both nearly screamed at the same time "NOOOOOO!!!!" The woman thought that all Americans were very fit and trim since those are the ones she had seen at her hotel. I tried to explain that people who travelled to Turkey (or those who were there with the military) were not at all a fair representation of our obese country. Truly, in America, in a typical outing to the mall, I see more obese people in one day that I have seen in all of my time in Turkey thus far. I do not have a recollection of seeing one extremely obese person in all the months I have lived here. (Overweight, yes but extremely? No.) The picture above is probably much more how we should eat. And yet, I greatly miss a good ol' pancake breakfast.

Veronica edited this photo she took of my Isaac. I love this little boy. He has not been feeling so hot AND I think he really, really misses his Daddy. He's been quite snuggly and clingy (which is actually nice since this isn't in his usual character.) But we are ready for his Daddy to get home and him to start feeling better. (Thank you Dr. Linda for checking his ears this morning!)

Our dinner at the hotel was a wonderful affair (both in taste and entertainment.) Veronica watched the boys while Becky and I ate and then we switched so that we could all enjoy dinner uninterrupted. Dancing was on the agenda during dinner. Turkish dancing seems a lot easier to do than American I'll tell you what, and we all had a great time (as you can tell from my photo above.) We did all, however, have to cringe, when a tourist a table over asked the waiter if the guy could please sing in English!! Seriously?!
If you would like to view the pictures from our trip to Cappadocia, you can do so by clicking here. I really could go on all day with images from our trip. I actually "planned" this trip. We rented a bus from Outdoor Rec on Base and got a total of 20 people to go with us. It was fabulous. Such a great group of travelers and fun time was had. Simply without words for the beauty of God's creation and the depth of struggle Christians went to to live their faith in underground cities. Visit my Facebook album to see for yourself!
1 comment:
Hi, your and Veronica's pictures are awesome. You make me want to visit Turkey! I hope you keep writing, I really enjoy reading about the boys' exploits. My 2nd boy is 20 mths old at the moment.
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