All right Joia, here you go. I finally took a few pictures inside the nursery and also a video. I do not think you will be very impressed. One of JB's fellow classmates, Katie, who is now an Army doc in Texas is due about the same time. Her nursery looks a lot farther along. Katie has tried to encourage me that they moved fast because she went into pre-term labor. However, I can't help but feel slow ... Are we ready? Not even close! I know Bri wants this to come fast. And while I definitely can't, wait, I'm praying it doesn't come too fast! Okay Bri?! Keep him cooking awhile longer while I work on the nursery some more.
Also, if you haven't put in a guess for the baby's details, what are you waiting for folks? Guess away. Good job Bara not leaving all the guessing to the ladies!
I love the Lady Topper chair in the nursery :)
Sorry to say this after seeing all of the clothes hung up in the closet but you will need to wash everything that will touch the baby including crib sheets and blankets. Don't use dryer sheets for baby clothes and other related baby items. There is a laundry detergent called Dreft that is just for baby clothes.
You need to wash them separately. are doing great! You have nothing but time. Years in fact. Don't put to much pressure on yourself. If it looks just like it does today on the day he is born it will be perfect. Absolutely perfect!!
Thanks for posting the pictures! =) You have a lot of stuff - that's awesome!
Actually, I don't use Dreft. Maybe I'm a bad mom??? I use anything "free". Cheerfree, All Free and Clear, Tidefree...whatever's on sale. Jon Kai is like me...has very tender skin and I've not had ANY problems with him at all. I also put in a 1/2 cup of white vinegar to remove any "baby" smells, which works like a charm. (Also works on anything stinky you stick in the wash...towels, workout clothes, etc.)
But I will second the not using dryer sheets. That HAS bothered his baby skin.
The stuff I sent? Were straight out of the washer and dryer, so if it doesn't bother you, it's one less thing to worry about.
Oh...and I second what Ebby said: don't kill yourself over the nursery before his arrival. They don't know or care that all the pictures aren't up or that you don't have just the right bedding. We still aren't done with Jon's nursery. 5 months later? Ha!
He'll probably be in your room in a bassinet for the first couple months anyway.
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