Thursday, February 21, 2008

The foxes hit close to home

I have been having a little trouble sleeping lately. I sleep really well until about 2:30am and then have trouble returning to sleep. So this morning at 2:30, I moved to the couch. I truly believe that change of scenery can help sleeplessness. And, after four years of insomnia, I consider myself a sleeplessness professional.

Anyways, JB took Scrubs out this morning for his early morning bathroom break. When Scrubs woke my up a few minutes later with a bark and a lick, JB informed me that my dog started his morning off with a bang.

We have observed two foxes on base for a few months now. We have seen them no less than a dozen times. We think they hunt our maniac squirrels on base. Well, you guessed it. Scrubs decided to hunt for a fox this morning.

John said all of a sudden, Scrubs took off. Bolted actually. John had no idea where he went or where he was going. He went inside to get his wallet and keys, and was headed to the car when our dear dog returned to the house, and sat down in front of our treat counter. John said it was as if he had never left at all. He obviously failed to catch the fox and instead just returned home as if he had never took off in the first place. Here I am. Back from my potty and ready for my treat.

Needless to say, we have given up trying to take him out leashless. We are just asking for trouble. It's a leash everytime now.

We are excited by Josh and Sarah's arrival around 5pm today with their two little boys: Tyler and Jordan. I wish I didn't have this dumb grant due. That's the only thing that could make my weekend better.


Rachel and Hans said...

good luck with that grant, wendi! at least those will be a thing of the past very soon!!

scrubs sounds like he is mischevious these days...:-) have a fun weekend!!

AW said...

I think Scrubs is preparing you for life with a little boy. :-)

I see lots of scheming going on in the futures of Mr. Scrubby and XY. The two of them together will be nothing short of a riot!

Anonymous said...

We are having coyotes wandering around Geneva --it freaks me out thinking of the little animals, dogs, kids! One was just nonchalantly walking in my yard recently. Yesterday my neighbor had two in her back yard! Well, we love having nature around here but not sure i want to go on a walk alone!
Tante Jan