How did I get there?
Oh, well, I got there because my husband JB the goat-loving/physician/bird-watching/Chef is now a certified boat captain!
Here's the moment I, too, grew to know this.
Picture it:
Driving in our tiny red rented neon on the way back from Fort Walton Beach Airport late on Thursday night.
Husband turns to wife: "Do you like boats?"
Wife: "Yes."
Husband: "Do your parents like boats?"
Wife: "I think so."
Husband: "Want to go out on a boat with your parents when they get here tomorrow?"
Wife: "That sounds nice."
Husband: "Cool."
Wife: "How would we do that?"
Husband: "We would rent a boat."
Wife: "From where?"
Husband: "From the Outdoor Recreational Rentals on base."
Wife: "Cool."
Husband: "Yeah. Isn't it?"
Wife: "Who will drive this rented boat?"
Husband: "I will"
Wife: "Who will?"
Husband: "I will."
Wife: "You will?"
Husband: "Yes."
Wife: "How?"
Husband: "I have a small craft boat license."
Wife: "How?"
Husband: "I took a test."
Wife: "When?"
Husband: "A few days back."
Wife: "Did you pass?"
Husband: "Of course."
Wife: "Did you study?"
Husband: "No."
Wife: (Remembers that she failed a driving test after driving for ten years and studying for the test prior to taking it). "Geeeeez."
Husband: "Cool, huh?"
Wife: (Shocked to believe that her husband, on top of wanting to be a farmer and a doctor and a chef and a diver and a pilot, now also can drive boats.)
Husband: "So you want to go tomorrow?"
Wife: "Sure."
That conversation led to the four of us renting a boat. They were out of the boats JB wanted to get so we opted for a Boston Whaler and headed off to the blue waters of Destin on a boat! Getting sun. Wind in our faces! Ninety-eight degrees beaming down.
Once there, we realized that hundreds of yards from shore, all the boats were docked and people were swimming and snorkeling. We looked into the light blue water (that I thought only existed in places with names like Tahiti and Cancun), realized that the ground was right below us, and immediately anchored our little boat. Then me and our captain jumped in! It was waist deep and absolutely gorgeous. It was truly a memory I will not quickly lose. I wish everyone of you could have been there with us.
Prior to going out on the water, JB and I took a three mile run while my mom walked. After the boat ride we finished off an already fabulous afternoon by making a sonic run. People: Have I told you how good a cherry limeade is? I mean, those of you who out there who have had a cherry limeade, am I not telling you the God's-honest-truth here?
I also realized that it took me, oh, about 36 hours, to immediately return to my Florida roots, wearing my bathing suit top and cabana skirt to Sonic with flip-flops! Only in Florida folks. Could you picture that in Rochester, Minnesota?
I did realize that if we were to move to Florida, there is one major issue I would have to deal with. That issue is leg shaving. This would have to be done, well, even during the winter. (Gasp!) Now don't pretend my dear Polar North compadres, like you don't know what I am talking about. Rachel, Tara, Lesley, help me out here! You know as well as I do that it is easy to skip shaving when you realize that no member of public society has seen your legs in nearly three months, and if they did see them, they'd be blinded by that light.
Okay, well shoot. Tara's half Indian. Lesley is Asian. Rachel, do your legs at least get a little white? Ebby? Kristen? Any of my completely Caucasian friends? You feel my pain here right? Moving to Fort Lauderdale would completely take a chunk of my day in shaving my legs alone.
Okay, all joking aside: did I tell you they have a Chick Fil' A here? Susie was it you I heard singing praises of the Chick Fil' A? Oh man! I miss that place. Even in Kentucky we had a Chick Fil' A.
All right, off to play a game of spades with my parents and then hit a fabulous seafood restaurant. Seafood. Geesh. Rachel you may be right. I think this town is brain-washing me with things I absolutely love. Red Lobster isn't quit the same thing as "the Crab Trap."
* * * * * * * * * * *
Note: Shortly after posting this blog I figured out how to load my photos. Okay, actually JB figured it out. But here are some of the photos from Florida.

AWESOME pictures!! Wonderful posting!!! You are truely a FLORIDA girl!!! Time to move back, me thinks!!! Havnt heard you this excited in a VERY long time!!! AND HEY! They have all your fav eating places and foods!! Nothing like fresh FL seafood!! You are making me excited to live here!! And I have lived in Fl. for 44 yrs!!! :)Hey to Mom and Dad,( and "the captain"!) and keep on enjoying that great Fl sun!!!!Love Ya, Nancy and Tom
Yep, Wendi, you're weekly "razor blade expense" does go down significantly in the winter. Seriously, what's the point when you have goosebumps all the time, anyway. On those occasions that I DO shave my legs, the goosebumps cause immediate stubble!
P.S. I LOVE your pictures! Florida sounds so wonderful. We just flew home tonight from Hilton Head and I was right there with you on the bikini top/cover-up bottoms for going out in public. It just seems like it's ok to do that when you are within walking distance of a beach, right?
P.P.S. I have to remind you of some wonderful MN things just so you don't, crisp fall weather, beautiful summer evenings with no humidity, Quarry Hill Nature Park, sweet corn on the farm, mexican train dominoes...I can add more later if you think you need it! :-)
Have I told you lately how much I love your blogs?! You and your "captain" are surely blessed. You make me smile!
Josh says...
If you like JB soooooo much why don't you stinkin marry him!!!!
Loud noises!!!!
I have to agree. Leg-shaving is overrated in the winters when NO ONE of importance sees them anyway. I might argue it's more of an issue for those of us who are brunettes. And FLA looks awesome! Much better than the grim hallways of Saint Mary's Hospital, which I am currently roaming...
You know, I always shave my legs in the winter. You never know when you might end up in the hospital with a broken leg. Then your hairy legs would be exposed to all the doctors and nurses everywhere....Oh the horror!
hey ok a couple quick questions. first let me prefece this with this is army posts, and enlisted and nco stories so i might be way off cause john is in the AF and is an officer. ok would you guys be getting post housing or BAH, cause most army posts there is a list for on post housing. also is camping in florida anywere as fun as camping in the north woods?
Chic Fil' A?? My absolutely favorite fast food resturant!!!! BRING SOME HOME TO ME!!!!!!
Okay -- first of all to Matt. We can live on base or off base. If we live off base, we get something like $14,000 to pay for our housing. If we live on base, our housing is free. We would try to live on base. We'd get officer quarters (which are nicer), but there is a waiting list so we have no idea how easily we would get it.
Nancy -- we all need a reminder how blessed we are with what we have. I miss it here.
Rachel -- we are trying to remember fall and actually you and Hans come up in our "list of reasons not to leave" (along with our other good friends who aren't leaving Minnesota!)
Josh -- I know your brain was damaged in that accident so you don't remember, but Josh, honey, we are married, and you were at the wedding. It's all right. I'll remind you next week too.
Justin -- two minutes before I read this blog, we were pulling "Anchorman lines" in the car, and I pulled the only one I know ... "Loud noises". LOL.
Gabbi -- I would rather avoid shaving then care what an ER doc thinks. Ha!
Mom K -- I miss you! Thanks for being a loyal reader.
Ebby -- only stinky thing is that Chick fil' A is closed on Sundays. Bummer.
Tara -- thanks for admitting your lack of shaving as well. I appreciate it.
Oh, Wen... the beach looks so beautiful. We have been longing for the beach! We haven't been since last year! Now, I have never been to MN, but... when you have the beach, Sonic, and CHIK FIL A (yes, that was me talking about it and I'm so jealous because we don't have one in St. Cloud)... well, those would be hard to pass up. Hey Ninner!!!!! How are YOU??!!
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