Dear Loyal Blog Readers:
Tonight you may view a day in the life of John and Wendi K. through the eyes of their (semi-permanent) houseguest, Kelsey. When Wendi indicated that I could "hijack" the blog I immediately felt pressure to do something witty and clever. Until I realized that living with John and Wendi was all the material I would ever need to entertain...hehehe. So I bring to you, without further ado "A DAY AT THE FARM."

It seemed as though it would be an ordinary day at the Olmsted County Fair: barbeque ribs and french fries that smell of haystacks and farm animals, chocolate malts, "carnies"* heckling young women as they walk by. But oh no. This is not your average excursion if you are with John K.
It became apparent soon after entering the warehouse labeled "Kiddie Farm Animals" that something was wrong with how much information John K. was able to recite about obscure wildlife. "Ahhh the black duck, also known as anas rubripes," quipped John. Strangely, his voice transformed into that of a stage persona as he began his recitation, lowering a few octaves for gravitas. "Originally discovered on a farm near Lake Kayunga in New York and then bred for their unusual color, they have not been found in the wild since."
"Hey mister, can I play with one of the black ducks?" asked one of the gaggle of kids that was now following our walking tour. "Yeah, could he see one," repeated a woman who was presumably the kid's mother.
"Uhh, well, they aren't my ducks," replied John. Hmmm. Novel. WHO KNOWS THESE THINGS ABOUT RANDOM FAIR ANIMALS IN MINNESOTA?! To that I answer, John K.
"Oh." The woman's voice deflated. Clearly she thought her kid would get to hold the man's black duck. "I just thought that they were yours because you knew so much about them."
At this point Wendi, Tara, and I had become entranced with a rooster that appeared to have the haircut of an 80's rockband member. "Ahhh, the ____ rooster," he began. Slowly he recounted the history of this and other fowl as his audience began to grow. Finally someone piped in.
"How long have you been judging poultry?" By all common standards one would think this man a judge. Not so with John Kisteiner. No sir, he's just a fine human being with a passion for birds, ewes, sheep, Jacob's sheep, cows, lambs, black-faced lambs, rabbits, hares, quarter horses, rams, billy goats, pigeons, water fowl...and on. And by the way, we did see everyone of the aforementioned animals (except the billy goat. I just added that one in because its fun to say billy goat).
Needless to say, the night at the fair was classic Kit. fun. Eating good food, fending off the carnies, and taking in all that nature has to offer. Well, okay, so maybe not so much classic Kit. fun as just plain fun seeing as 1) how the food tasted good but still smelled like the surrounding haystacks and animals (something that NEVER happens at John and Wendi's), 2) typically we have Ajit, Tara, or Dave over as opposed to carnies (to my knowledge none of them have exceptionally large hands or have ever smelled of cabbage), and 3) nature was prepackaged into convenient wire cages (well, there are the birds at John and Wendi's!).
At any rate, please enjoy some of the fine pictures below from our outing at the farm!

John, Wendi, and Tara basquing in the cow's backside.

John, admiring utters.
*Carnies: Men who run booths or rides at carnivals. Typically have large hands and smell like cabbage.
kelsey! are you coming tomorrow night to the real farm?! i hope so!
Anas rubripes is the wild American Black Duck, which is really not very black, but more chocolate in color.
These ducks should not be confused with the Cayuga Duck, a domestic meat breed, which is completely black with a metallic green sheen.
Oh, and the punk rock rooster was the Golden Polish chicken if you're interested.
Is there anything else to do in Rochester other than go to the farm or zoo?! R-town must have awesome animals!
Yes!! I found another Austin Powers fan!!! We don't gnaw on our kitty.
Okay, first of all I HATE Austin Powers (which Kelsey knows well) but secondly, since I don't know anything about it, I didn't even know there was a reference, Sue. Did Kelsey SNEAK it in. You'll have to point it out to me.
Ooh, the trivia tables have turned... I'll give YOU a hint... look for a reference about body parts and food...
Well I have never SEEN Austin Powers. Can anyone else out here help!?!
I HATE trivia. LOL
Big hands and cabbage?
Big hands and cabbage?
oops...i have no idea how that happened.
Austin Powers: Only two things scare me and one of them is nuclear war.
Basil Exposition: What's the other?
Austin Powers: Excuse me?
Basil Exposition: What's the other thing that scares you?
Austin Powers: Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands
Ah ha! I win!
Google Rocks!
Hmmm.....nobody's here. I think I am talking to myself. Does that make me crazy?
Yes - you are crazy!
Sorry about the absence... Gabbi's got it! Carnies... too funny!
Hey....who was that? Wendi? Josh? John? Who?
Gabs, JB admitted that that was him! LOL. Nice work Sue and Gabs. Kelsey, next time you post, avoid Austin. You know he gives me the heeby jeebies.
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