... How much God loves us!
This is is post #7 in a series of guest blogger posts entitled, "What I want the World to Know About ____." Want to include a post of your own? Click here to find out how.
I've just finished reading the last seven entries of Wendi's blog, and now I'm sitting in my easy chair contemplating it all. I don't read the blog much myself; Diane shows me the pictures and reads me the highlights, and it's all good! But with the grandkids growing up fast, and the challenges of rearing children becoming more and more obvious to John, Wendi, Keith, and Adriennne; I'm smiling to myself big-time!
No, I'm not smiling because Isaac, Elijah, Charleigh, and Baylee are so cute and funny; I'm smiling because God is a good God, and he's no liar!
What did Diane and I ever do to deserve such great kids? I couldn't be prouder of Wendi and Keith! Watching them with their families, all four of them already seem to be better parents than we ever were. The problems we had with those two growing up seemed so huge at the time; well, I'm only vaguely aware of those problems now. They feel like I dreamed them, and now it's the next day and I can't remember what I dreamt! That makes me smile too!
So I sit in my chair talking to the Holy Spirit, "Lord, I praise you; you are so good to us! What was it that made the difference in the way we dealt with Wendi and Keith?"
And immediately He said to me, "You and Diane never, ever quit on them!"
Yep, that's right; that may be the most God-like thing we ever did as parents! We never quit on our kids! We prayed for them and then tried to be there for them when they needed us. How many times does God say in the Bible, "I will never leave you nor forsake you?" We tried to do the same.
So people, now I'm sitting in my chair sobbing! Joy, thanksgiving, amazement...I'm feeling all of that! But that's not why I'm crying; I just now said to God, "Father, just thinking about my kids...all of this gives me great joy!"
And He said to me, "My son, how do you think I feel?"
"Jesus loves me, this I know...for the Bible tells me so!"
Wow, what a precious entry packed with so much love and such truth. Something I am sure you will cherish for years to come. To God be the glory for Godly parents and families.
Pam Biegel Vander Meer
Wow, this really touched me, and I'm welling up with emotion now, too. Thanks Wendi's dad for that entry!
OMW. Tears. I have nothing to say. Precious words from a father.
That's lovely!
--Diana from BC
I sure can identify with all you said George!! Thank you!!
Thanks for the much-needed reminder that the Lord rejoices in His children!
Thanks so much for that post - it encouraged me greatly!!
In Him,
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