These are from Elijah. He likes to find rocks whenever we go out and either (a) carry them around with him in his hands or (b) put them in his pockets. It is so stinkin' cute.
In fact, both boys are becoming more interested with the stuff they can find at the playground rather than the stuff they can play on at the playground. They love to find the perfect stick, draw pictures in the sand, slide down hills and get their pants filthy, pick up handfuls of sand (and hopefully not throw them), and investigate any bug they can find.
I know that all little boys do this, but my boys seem to do it more than other little boys I observe at the park, and I am sure it's because of the Daddy that they have -- a man ever obsessed with anything outdoors. (Click here to check out JB's new blog -- obviously nature related.) The other day I emailed JB telling him that we were at a loss for what to do that morning. He wrote back and said: "Take them for another walk in the woods. And let them touch the bugs!" Aaaah, that's my hubby.
My boys make me smile every day. When Elijah saw Veronica wearing a tie-dyed shirt earlier this week, he told her, "You made a mess on your shirt." Each moment with them is exhuasting, wonderful, eye-opening, frustrating, and exciting all rolled into one. I love the things they say. I love that they play with sticks.
And I love that they have rocks in their pockets.
Awww, boys are so fun! And you will probably enter a whole different world when your girl arrives! I love having one of each and watching their similarities and differences emerge:).
Both Chloe and Jonathan always have rocks in their pockets (and many other treasures as well!) It is so cute - they LOVE their 'treasures.'
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