The new phrase being uttered in our home is "Flo went down the chute."
By chute the boys mean the hole in the corner of the pool table at the sports-bar-type-restaurant in the BX that we had dinner at last night.
What happened to old fashioned pool tables that you fish the balls out yourself? What is a mom to do if her son releases Flo down one of these new fancy tables with chutes and Flo gets stuck somewhere in the pool table somewhere?
We were walking out of the restaurant when Elijah saw the chute, saw his Flo in his hand, and decided to drop Flo down that chute before Veronica or I could stop him.
Since this was the new car Daddy had just bought him when he came in to visit last week, my heart especially hurt for Elijah (even though Elijah didn't seem too bothered). I went and talked to one of the employees. She got a cue ball, and we tried to see if we could coax Flo out. But it was a no-go. We were forced to leave without Flo! So sad! She told us to check back when the manager is in and maybe he can open up the machine. I'm not holding out much hope.

But Isaac wasn't confused. To my great surprise, Isaac stood by listening and watching and then finally said, "I'll do it Mommy!" He took off for his room, pulled a tissue out of the tissue box, and returned to where Elijah and I were standing. He then held up the tissue to Elijah's nose and said, "Blow Buddy, blow."
Elijah looked so relieved. He hates when his nose is running or when he has tears on his face. He just wanted a tissue!
Even cuter was that Elijah tried to blow. (He doesn't know how yet.) And Isaac stood there holding the tissue for Elijah to blow into and kept repeating, "Blow buddy, blow."
This is where I stepped in and helped wipe Elijah's nose. So glad I could help accomplish something. The poor kid had been asking for a tissue. I had no idea what he was saying. But big brother did.
While Flo may be gone, there is still a lot of excitement in our home as we anxiously await the arrival of Joni in just a few days. Daddy is returning on the same day! How exciting.
1 comment:
LOL, I get such a kick out of the stories you tell about your two boys! I've said it before, but I just am so excited for when my two can do cute little things like that:). I honestly can't imagine them as walking, talking little people yet, but I know the time will come faster than I'd probably like! Thanks for sharing because it always brings me such joy:).
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