My big brudder Isaac and I love Clifford. We love his books. We check them out from the library here on Base, and we have Mommy read them over and over and over again. We also checked out the movie he is the star of at the library. AND ... at 6:30 in the morning, he comes on the TV! If we get up early enough (which we always do), we climb into bed with Mommy and get to watch Clifford on the TV.
So as you can see, Isaac and me? We are really big fans!
Yesterday Clifford came to the bookstore in the BX, and we went to see him. Isaac was a little scared, but he went up and gave Clifford a hug and a high-five many times. Mommy didn't bring her camera. She doesn't like to try and take pictures when we are outnumbering her. I, on the other hand, decided I would just observe Clifford ... from the comfort of mom's arms! I don't need to get up close to appreciate the big red dog. A few feet (at least twelve, please) is quite adequate.
We were so excited to get to see Clifford in person. How lucky are we?
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