Sunday, August 09, 2009

Poison Ivy?

After many Benadryl, Scrubs' face started to look better. Ray and I took the kids to the Niceville Children's' Park this afternoon, and when I came home, I noticed that while his face looked better, he had broken out in hives.

You can see the remnants of his swollen jowls (left side) as well as the hives.

Close up of the hives.

Unfortunately, the hives got much worse after I took this picture, but after even more Benadryl, seem to be improving a bit. JB went out to inspect the yard. There is one spot that Scrubs has been lying down in a lot this past week. JB is pretty sure that there was a vine running through that spot which was poison ivy. We aren't sure, but we think this might be what happened to our Scrubs. We'll keep an eye on him. Please pray we don't have to take him to the vet! Hopefully the morning will bring a new Scrubby. Right now we are keeping him isolated from the kids as this can be passed to humans. Poor guy!


mom h said...

Awwwww poor Scrubby! Hope he's ok this morning!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Scrubby! This too shall pass! :) N

InfertileNaomi said...

Poor puppy!

Anonymous said...

Our dog had a hives and the vet determined it to be from a bug bite and she threw up as well with them. I feel bad for scrubs..I know Chloe was miserable.